Chapter 10

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Stephan pulled out his gun and pushed me behind him. He quickly went for the door handle, but it was locked. He lifter his leg and kicked the door down. It took him a few tries but it eventually went tumbling down in the house.

The house was a mess. The glass table was shattered, the flowers Stephan had gotten me on our first date were ripped apart on the ground, there was blood drops leading to the downstairs bathroom. I got this gut feeling that Jason was in trouble, sort of like an instinct. 

I followed my gut and ran to the bathroom door, and opened it. Jasons was in there sitting on the toilet staring at his cut up hand. 

"Stephan!" I called. As annoying as Jason is, I fucking love him with all my heart, he's like the brother I never had. Well, I have two brothers but they are clowns so. Ok Kelly, not the fucking time.

Stephan ran through the door and ran up to me immediately. I was crying, so Stephan assumed I was hurt. I threw his hands off me and pointed at Jason. Stephan rolled his eyes and grabbed a towel from the rack above the toilet.

"This is going to hurt, on three ok? One, two..."

"What no. I- OUCHHHHHHH" Jason has a very low pain tolerance

Jason removed the big chuck of glass in his hand and tightly wrapped it with the towel. Jason was squirming around because of the pain. Stephan said to stay with Jason while he checks out the house.

A few minutes after he left, there was two sets of hurried footsteps. The clicking of the heel of the first persons, and they heavy metal boot sound of the second told me it was my brothers. 

"Gio? Enzo?"

"Kelly! Are you ok? What happened in here?" Enzo spoke up

"It was your dad, and Nathan" Jasons said quietly

"Who the fuck in Nathan?" three voices said in unison, Gio, Enzo, and Stephan.

This is when all hell broke loose.

All of the boys were screaming at Jason for answers, and Jason was screaming back. I took this time to focus on the four men in the bathroom.

Gio, my brother was to my left. Gio was tall, standing at 6 foot 3, buff but no to buff, he had black shaggy hair, and forest green eyes. Gio was always the loud one in the family. He was the class clown, before the family went to shit. Giovanni was also the player. He went out on many many dates, each one ending in the girl with a broken heart. He hasn't found the one yet, but until he does, he will continue his player act. (pic in media box)

Enzo, also my brother, to the left of Gio. Enzo was like a different bread than all of us. He was very tall, 6 foot 5, icy blue eyes and dark brown hair that was always buzzed short. He had a full sleeve of tattoos, tattoos on his legs, and he had a ton of rings. He really could never wear any rings because of the navy, but when he was on liberty, he always threw them on. When Lorenzo was younger he was a really happy, bubbly kid. 

Once again as soon as the family turned to shit, he was cold. For a long time he was cold towards us, his own family. Now after all the shit I went though with my dad and mom, he opened himself up to me. He also doesn't have a girlfriend but using my sister instincts, I could tell someone was there.

Jason, my best friend, to the right of me. Jason is tallish, he is 5 foot 10, has brown eyes, and brown hair slit down the middle. He has been there for me since we were in middle school. We met in seventh grade, and we were instantly bonded at the hip. Where ever I went he went, and where ever he went, I went. We told each other everything, and when he heard about my parents, he told his parents, and I basically started living with Jason. At first I thought it was going to be weird, but when he revealed to me that he was gay, I felt a lot more comfortable around him. 

Finally, Stephan, right in front of me. Stephan is tall, 6 foot 5, very, very muscular, light brown eyes, black hair, and tan Italian skin. Our relationship has moved faster than Usain Bolt. We met probably two weeks ago, and when I did meet him, he had a literal gunshot wound. But earlier when he revealed how he felt, I melted. 

That man could stomp on my heart and I would say sorry. I learned that he is really clingy, hot headed and protective. Oh and you know he's in the fucking mafia but that's besides the point. He really is such a sweet person, and he's kind and generous and charming. I have no idea why he would want someone like me but that fact that he's even trying warms my heart. Not to mention he is a literal greek god, but he is.

"Hello? Earth to Kelly" Gio snapped his fingers in my face.

I jolted back in reality, "What?"

"Who is Nathan and why the fuck did he destroy Jay's house?" Enzo yelled

I flinched back, Enzo hasn't yelled at me since I was probably ten.

"I'm sorry Kelly, who is Nathan?" he asked much more calmly 

"He's my ex" it was Stephan's turn to grab me pull me towards him, "he-he was abusive; he threatened to kill me, kill you guys and-and he would pretend to shoot me with a gun to make me scared." 

"I'll kill that fucking idiot" Stephan said squeezing my hips

"I- no! Just let it be. I have finally moved on and I don't want anyone involved. This is my bullshit that I have to take care of'

"Princess, this isn't just your problem anymore, it's our problem" Stephan said looking into my eyes, I could tell he was being sincere.

"Ok, enough with the lovey dove shit, Steph, what the fuck are we going to do about this?"

"I have an idea, but when I fucking tell you all this you have to keep your mouths shut."

Everyone nodded and he motioned for us to follow him. We followed him out of the house and into his  car. When we all got in it was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. All of a sudden Stephan ripped out his phone and dialed a number. He conversed with the man quickly in Italian and hung up. He grabbed my thigh and worked his way up. Holy mother of Jesus, I have to change my tampon.

I quickly rummaged through my bag and caught the attention of everyone in the car. I awkwardly looked up and chuckled, then went back to rummaging in my bag. I finally felt my hand touch the wrapper and sighed in relief. 

"Ok, what the fuck?" Stephan glanced at me confused.

Gio and Enzo were about to question what I was doing as well, until I gave them both a look. They soon realized what I went and nodded their head.

"KELLY'S ON HER-" Gio yelled, but Jason saved me from embarrassment and threw his hand over Gio's mouth.

Another sigh of relief came out of my mouth and I relaxed inn my chair. Stephen's hand was slowly creeping up my thighs and I looked over at his with my death glare on. His eyes widened and he removed his hand completely and held my hand instead.

We arrived at Stephan's mansion and got out of the car. As soon as we entered, Jason's eyes almost bugged out of his head. He was openly ogling at every man who walked by. Almost all the men here were cute, but no where near as hot as Stephan. I have never even seen a movie star hotter than Stephan; maybe Taylor Lautner.

We walked up the stairs and through the maze of his house. he opened his office doors and let everyone in. He locked the doors and sat down at his desk. All the seats were taken up and I didn't have a spot.  

"You can just sit on my lap Kelly-" Jason started, but Stephan interrupted, "You can sit on my lap mia amore" (my love).

I sat down on Stephans lap and he wrapped his arm around me protectively. As soon as we were settled in, he began telling everyone about his deepest secret; the mafia.


Hey guys!!!!!I can not believe we hit 400 reads!! The support you guys are giving me is endless and full of love! I can thank you enough for your comments, and suggestions to help me become a better writer. I took somethings into consideration and added them to this chapter! Hope you guys like it! Gotta blast!


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