Chapter 32

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To give you the short version, Stephan punched Gavin in the face, knocking him out cold. Then he went all batshit on me, pushing me into a corner and guarding me like a freak. I don't remember much of what happened after that, but what I do remember is waking up on a cold floor with chains restricting my hands.

The floor is cold and moist, my chains were trembling along with my hands and I swear I can see my breath. I've experienced cold interrogations, but none like this; this kind of cold is meant to kill you.

I've lost sensation in the tip of my nose, my ears, fingertips and toes. I guess sometimes I make myself out to be the hero I'm not, because there is no way in hell I'm getting out of this one.

Slowly, with my hands trembling, I reach for the heel of my shoe and slide the rubber sole clockwise. I grabbed the lighter stored in there and attempted to light it. When it doesn't light, I brought the lighter up to my lips and ripped out the safety coil allowing me to light it easily. I brought the yellow flame to my face, the heat temporarily heating my face and hopefully helping prevent the possible frostbite on my nose. I used the lighter to warm my fingertip so I could more them around without trembling as frequently.

Reaching back into my shoe compartment I pull out rope, a knife, and money, and put them into my bra. I quickly shut the compartment and tucked the lighter into my pocket because someone was stomping down, what I presume to be a stairwell. The stainless steel door opened and someone walked in, but because of the lack of light, I couldn't see their face.

"Bloody christ it's cold in here," the man said while blowing hot air into his hands.

"You're telling me," my sense of humor dry like the air.

"Ah, the princess is awake," the man squatted in front of me and gripped my chin, "it's time we bring you to the boss, yeah?"

The mystery man stood up and grabbed a key from around his neck. He roughly grabbed my hands and shoved the key into the lock, missing a few times, but ultimately freeing me. I quickly took the opportunity to back hand the shit out of him. I clenched my fist together and punched him square in the nose. He was out cold, first punch.

"I still got it," I said rubbing my hands together to create warmth, "where the fuck am I?"

I snagged the key from the mystery man's hand, and searched his body for a weapon. I slide my hand around his waist and when my icy fingertips met with even colder metal, I knew I hit the jackpot. I grabbed his gun and shoved it in my waistband.

After inspecting the room, I determined that I was indeed underground. I slowly snuck up to the slightly open door, and listened for any sounds. After hearing nothing, I looked back at the man to see him still out, so I made my move.

I quietly opened the door and peered around the dimly lit hallway. I shoved the heavy door open more and slipped through the crack. I ascended the stairs, stepping on every little creak, just my luck. Once i reached the top, I placed my ear against the cracked, white painted, wooden door. No noises came from whatever lies behind the door, so I opened it.

An office came into view, but there was no one inside. I snuck over to the window to see three men approaching the sliding glass door on the opposite side of the room. Quickly, I ducked behind a large filing cabinet, and held my breath.

The door slid open, "A bheil thu gam thuigsinn? Tha mi ga iarraidh shuas an seo a-nis!"

He sounds quite familiar... and what language is he speaking? I don't think i've ever heard that in my life.

"A dhuine uasail, chuir sinn Jack sìos an sin mus tàinig sinn thugad" the man with the scruffy beard replied.

"Uill, dè tha an ifrinn cho fada air? am feum mi a h-uile càil a dhèanamh timcheall an seo?"

The 'boss' I assume started stalking around the room, cussing in English. His face had been hidden from me the whole time, until he walked over to the door that seemed to get closer and closer to me every second. Then it clicked. I was in Daniel's office.

I felt the Earth shattering around me as Daniel and his men fled down the stairs. The only thing I know is that I need to leave. Now.

I sprung into action, shutting and locking the that i previously used to escape, effectively locking the men downstairs. When I heard the shouting and pound of boots against stairs, I scanned the room. There has to be something in here that could help indicate what he was up to. The first item I saw on his desk was his keys. So I snatched them off the desk, shoved them in my pocket, and pulled the gun from my waistband, aiming it low to the ground.

I slid open the sliding glass door, and sprinted to the first car I saw. Now, at this point, i'm praying to whatever god that could possibly hear me, that this car that i'm now sitting in, matches one of the keys on the carabiner in my pocket.

I grabbed the first key I saw and shoved it into the slot, twisting it with power. The engine roared to life just as I saw Daniel run out of his office. He started firing his weapon, and I slammed on the gas. I went straight through the metal fence, snapping the chain links holding it together. Shots were still ringing through the air. The glass of the rear view window shattered, and another bullet came wizzing by, grazing the side of my arm.

It felt like my arm was on fire, like spewing hot lava was just being poured all over an open wound. I kept driving, not focusing on my arm, only focusing on the road in front of me. The shots stopped, and I kept going.

All i could think was: another phone down the drain.


Hey guys!! It has been absolutely forever. This is literally my first update in the new year. i've had a lot on my past over the past couple of months, and I never really got around to writing. I think this book is good for me, it helps me cope. I appreciate you guys!! Cant wait for y'all to see the next chapter, it's coming very soon!! Love you guys!

- Jackie

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2022 ⏰

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