Ch 14: Officer Down

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I sat on the couch with Wheezie's head in my lap watching a movie. I looked at the door as Ward walked in with his arm bloodied. I jolted up.

"Holy shit Ward are you okay?" I asked as he walked in.

"That god damn Routledge kid" he said.

"Weren't you taking him fishing?" I asked.

"He went berserk" he said sitting down as Rose rushed over cleaning up the wound.

"Wheez go upstairs" I said.

The young girl ran up the stairs. Ward went on recoiling the events that happened on the boat.

"Liz I would feel more comfortable if you stayed the night here. God knows what that kid is capable of" he said.

I nodded looking at Rafe.

"Liz I actually want to talk to you about tomorrow" Ward said.

The next day Ward had left early. I rolled out of bed fighting to get out of Rafe's grasp. I sat on the edge of the bed.

"I'm going with him and Sarah to the Bahamas" I said.

"What?" He asked.

"Business trip" I said. "He wanted me to see whatever he had found."

"Why didn't he ask me?" He asked.

"Rafe I don't know" I said. "I should get ready."

He began kissing my shoulder blades moving to my neck.

"Not now" I said getting up.

I pulled on the gray leggings looking for my white tank top. Rafe threw it to me smiling. I quickly put it on walking over to kiss the top of his head before walking down the stairs. Ward was sitting at the table sipping coffee.

"Ready?" He asked.

I nodded following him to the car as Sarah followed slowly behind getting into the he backseat.

"It'll be fine Sar" I said.

"Whatever" she mumbled.

Ward pulled onto the runway. I looked around getting out.

"Come on guys lets get this stuff loaded" Ward said as they loaded crates onto the plane.

"What's in the boxes?" Sarah asked.

"Uh just some uh, decorative marble pieces Rose found from properties down there. Antiques I think" he said.

Sarah looked at the crates then walked over to two men.

"Excuse me what are in those crates?" She asked.

"Sarah" I said grabbing her arm. "Come on."

"Get on the plane we need to get going" Ward said.

"No I changed my mind" she said.

"Do not cause a scene, Liz help me get her on the place" he said.

"No! No! No!" Sarah yelled.

Ward grabbed her body trying to put her on the plane himself. I closed my eyes as she started crying. I sat in the back as Ward started the plane starting to take off. As we began taking off I turned to see John B's truck pull up beside the plane.

"Get off the runway! Get off!" Ward yelled.

John B sped up stopping in front of the plane. Ward quickly halted the plane as we narrowly hit the brown van. He jumped out fo the plane running to John B.

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