Ch 16: Death

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My alarm went off causing me jolt up. I grabbed my phone turning it off. I looked at my phone at two texts.

Hanging with Kelce today. I'll see you later

Rafe's was the first I read then Toppers.


I smiled responding. I got up changing into shorts and an old baggy shirt. I got into my car meeting Topper at the country club. I walked in smiling at the workers.

"Table for two please" I said to the hostess.

I followed her as she seated me with menus. Topper walked up ruffling my hair.

"Can tell you didn't brush your hair" he said.

"Shut up" I said.

After ordering our drinks and food, I overheard a middle aged couple talking about the sheriff.

"Those kids from the cut are saying it was Rafe Cameron, I mean come on a Cameron?" The woman said.

"I hope they find that John B kid, he sounds dangerous" the man said.

"I can't believe Sarah ran off with him" Topper said.

"It is what it is Top" I said.

"He's dangerous. He killed a cop" he said.

I felt a lump in my throat.

"Can we talk about anything else please?" I said.

As the time passed Topper met me at my parents. We sat on the couch inside as Topper flipped through channels.

"I can't believe they are going around saying Rafe did it" he said breaking the silence. "I mean you were there you seen John B do it."

I nodded slowly. I jolted as someone knocked on the door. I walked to the door slowly opening it.

"Here to harass me again?" I asked.

"We're looking for your sister. We think she knows the whereabouts of John Booker Routledge" the cop said.

"She hasn't been home in days" I said. "Why my sister? Have you stopped and talked to Heyward?"

They looked between each other. They handed me a paper with John B'a face on it. Along with the words '$25,000 reward'. I read over the paper as it had the make and model of Kiara's car.

"I don't know where she is I'm sorry" I said.

I closed the door watching them go to their car.

"What the hell" Topper said. "Do you know where she is?"

"No and if I did I wouldn't tell them anyway" I said.

I grabbed my phone trying to call Kiara.

"Pick up, pick up" I muttered.

Her phone went straight to voicemail.

"Fuck! I'm going to kill her" I said.

Topper looked at his phone.

"I'm going to meet Kelce" he said. "Join?"

"No thanks" I said.

Topper walked out to his car as I ran upstairs to my room. I dialed Kiara's number once more as it went straight to voicemail again.


I looked at Rafe's location.

"What the fuck is he doing there?" I said to myself. I ran to my car driving to the location. Jumping out I ran into the building to find Rafe on the ground.

"What happened?" I asked looking at his bloodied mouth.

I looked up to see Barry.

"For fucks sake what is he doing here?" I asked.

I helped him up as the two sat next to each other. 

"Sheriff Peterkin huh?" Barry asked. "Badder than I thought, country club."

I watched as he walked to his bike.

"I own you now" he said looking at Rafe then to me.

I looked at Rafe before smacking him.

"Who did this to you?" I asked.

"Pogues" he said.

He slowly followed me back to my car as we drove to Tannyhill in silence. He got out of the car not saying a word as my phone began ringing.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Is this Elizabeth Carrera?" They asked.

"This is she, how can I help you?" I asked.

"We have your sister in custody and are unable to get ahold of your parents" she said.

I hadn't realized how dark it had become or how hard it was raining. I sped off towards the dock. I looked at all the cops and the lights. The second I opened my door I became drenched. Cops were walking everywhere and anywhere. I pulled the arm of one of them.

"Hey!" I yelled. "What happened?"

They shrugged my arm off as I approached a tent. Shoupe was in there with two other officers talking to Kiara, Pope and JJ. JJ threw himself onto Shoupe. I walked closer as Kiara turned to me with tears in her eyes. She ran towards me wrapping her arms around my body as she began crying.

"It's okay" I whispered.

Our parents walked up wrapping their arms around us.

"It's going to be okay Kie" I whispered.

Kiara looked up to our mother.

"He didn't make it mom" she cried.

We let go of her as Pope and JJ wrapped their arms around the girl. I turned around as Shoupe glared at me.

"We're going to need to talk to you again" Shoupe said.

My father walked in between us.

"Not without a lawyer Vic" he said.

Shoupe walked away without saying another word. My father turned to me.

"What have you gotten yourself into?" He asked.

I looked at him then to the ground.

"Sorry" I said.

I turned around to Ward realizing it wasn't only John B on that small boat.

Kook Princess | Rafe CameronOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora