The Start.

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(A/N: idk what to say :/ just that i'm gunna include more of whats happening without Y/N around if thats ok)

JJ strolled along the deck of a restaurant he had found work in. In kooklandia no less. He was offering refills and overhearing the conversations of the kooks. Most of them barely bearable.
"You heard about what happened?"
"I heard he kidnapped her."
"Of course it was a pogue. What did you expect."
JJ looked down and bit his tongue, placing a glass on their table silently..
"He's a murderer."

"I'm glad he's dead."

"John B got what was coming to him. And it saved us all the expense of a trial. I'm just saying John B is going to hell for what he did to Peterkin." Said a girl sitting with Topper.
He suddenly spoke up as JJ leant over to fill up their cups. Topper looked at him awkwardly, "Guys they're still investigating..."
"yeah! and I don't know why! It's obvious who did it."
JJ went to walk away just as Kelce spoke up, "yeah exactly."

 "shut up." JJ hissed.

"Listen-" Topper raised his hand to JJ, but he cut him off,
"Shut up Top!" JJ pointed.
"JJ just walk away, it's not the time." Topper reasoned. JJ looked as if he was going to until Kelce spoke up.
"I don't think we were talking to you" he snarled, spitting out a "Pogue." at the end.
JJ sucked his lips in a snatched up a cup and a fork, hitting the two together.
"Can I have everybody's attention please!?" He yelled, "I have a little announcement to make!" The kooks all looked in his direction.
"My best friend, John B, did NOT kill sheriff Peterkin." He looked around at the annoyed faces, "Rafe Cameron. Shot and murdered the sheriff in cold blood." he shook his fork in emphasis.
Kelce scoffed.
"That's what happened."
"Wow." Kelce grinned.
"Is that so hard for your tiny brain to believe Kelce?"
Kelce stood up, "It is actually hard for me to believe because you know... It- It's always the kook's fault. It's never the pogues." He said, getting up in JJ's face.
JJ snatched up his water pitcher and tossed it over Kelce's shirt. Kelce grabbed JJ and tried to tackle him as other Kooks leapt away from them.
"Come on y'all!" A man said.
"Are you serious? Knock it off." Topper added, trying to drag the two boys apart.
"Stop! Get off me!" Shouted JJ.
Topped held him tightly, "It's not the time!"

"JJ..." Raz, the owner, shook his head at JJ as he turned to leave.
"Yeah... I know Raz I know." He untied his apron and handed it to him, "I'm fired." He pushed past and stalked off to his dirt bike panting and whimpering.
"Ride safe back to the cut buddy!" A man called at him.
"That's right JJ, get the hell outta here!" Came another.
"Look at what you're doing."
JJ climbed onto his bike and turned to flip them all off.
"Get the hell outta here!" They yelled as the bikes engine revved.
"Go back to the cut already!"
He pierced his lips and skidded around onto a flowerbed, his back wheel spinning and front breaks on. Digging a deep hole in the flowers.
"No! No!"
"JJ get out!"
"Who do you think you are!?"
JJ glared and skidded around the pathways back to the cut, tears of frustration in his eyes.

The next day was the first day of school. Pope drove them there, Kie and JJ that is. JJ took one last swig of his tankard as he leapt out of the car.
"Hey, chill out." Kie said to him.
"If I blackout don't remind me." Was all he replied with.
"That's not funny."
Students littered the campus. Some skating, some biking, some running, some on the busses. All of them mingling and laughing. The Kildare County High School sigh saying 'welcome back falcons!'. As the Pogues walked past all the other students stopped to look at them.
"That's them."
"There they are."
"I wasn't sure they'd show up."
Kie sighed.
"I heard the other one ran away."
"Well I heard they all got arrested and she's in jail."
"Serves her right."
JJ flinched, "Watch your mouth!"
Kie glared at the students and Pope moved them along. whispering "guys..."
"It wouldn't surprise me if they all got jailed..." The chatter continued.
"Think they had something to do with Peterkin?"
"They had too."
The three of them drowned out the voices and strolled to a red rock, with a small yellow surfboard leaning against it. It said 'John B Routledge' with a few pictures of him underneath. JJ bit his inner lip as he looked at the flower-barren remembrance spot.
Kie looked behind her, "I feel like people are staring at us."
JJ turned too, "Oh yeah."
Pope sighed, "Guys I can't be late." He started to walk off.
"Hey. Hey. Kie said. We've got to stick together." and she gave him her hand. He took it as JJ slid past Kie and she held his arm with hers.

On Nassau, John B and Sarah were on the roof of a five star Hotel, and the pair were laying low. John B promising Sarah he wouldn't sneak into the Cameron's holiday home. The hiding place of the gold. He was also lying.

Cleo and Y/N walked the streets of Nassau. It was hot and sunny. Even the air itself felt as if it held the sun's radiation.
"So tell me." Cleo looked Y/N up and down. "What are you doing here anyway? You don't seem you're from around here."
"I'm from the uh, outer banks. Cali innit. But originally from (Home town)."
"Oh the outer banks huh...." Cleo nodded slowly, "Well word of warning. Don't trust Terrence. He's a snake pretty girl, trust me on that."
"Why should I trust you?" Y/N said quietly.
"Look around you. It seems I'm all you got."
Y/N laughed sadly, "Yeah. You kind of remind me of my old fri- My friends. This little rag tag group back home. I hope to go see them again soon. Right some wrongs."
"On you ran then huh?"
"oh well uh-"
"It's alright" Cleo chuckled. "I ain't no room to judge girlie."
"It's Y/N, by the way."
"Y/N hm. I like girlie more." she winked.
"Well alright then! Girlie it is. Hey uh, thanks for coming with me, I needed the company."
"Me too." Smiled Cleo.
Y/N hooked an arm around Cleo's neck and he stomach showed from beneath her dirty shirt.
"Oh shit girlie, what's that?" Cleo asked, referring to the 'A' on Y/N's stomach.
"Oh uh." Y/N brought her arm down. "Some bastard sociopath. Telling the world I'm his property. Fucking Bullshit."
"Hey girlie." Cleo put a hand on her shoulder, "Come back to the boat with me. We can put a  steroplast on it. You are your own person girlie."
Y/N smiled and took her hand, the pair of them strolled the stone streets towards the calling ocean, where the pair of them sat on the deck of a big boat, and Cleo covered up her brand with a big square plaster. Fastening it on with some would-closure strips.
"Here..." She said as Y/N helped bush the strips down. Their hands brushed for a moment and Y/N felt her spine tingle.
"Thanks Cleo..."
Cleo patted her shoulder and stood up, tossing the packaging into the trash.
"I'm here for you pretty girl. Don't forget it."

Back on the Outer Banks, The three pogues had dipped from class, after receiving a text from the one and only John B and Sarah in Nassau. They had added a selfie of them in a groupchat of Kie, Y/N, JJ and Pope.

"We can go to the courtyard." Kie said as they ran through the hallway.
"oh! Woo!" JJ celebrated in the background. and then fell over the janitors mop bucket in his excitement like a puppy.
"Shit." Kie said as the water split, laughing.
"Hey!" Said the janitor. "Where do you think you're going!?"
"Come! Come on!" Kie started running. Followed by Pope and JJ.
"I mean is that even possible!?" She said as they burst into the outside world, passing a couple on a bench. "I mean Shoupe said they didn't make it he said that."
"Okay but... I- I think we're over reacting. Okay cause, we can't rule out the possibility that this could be all some kind of cruel weird Hoax."
"I'm just gunna ask." Kie said, sitting on a table and putting her bag down.
JJ paced back and forth excitedly, "What if it's actually him though!?"
"Then I don't know, okay? I don't know." Pope said.
"Well they can come home again dude! And then maybe Y/N will follow and we can be the pogues again!"
Kie texted the number: 'WTF is this you???'
Pope sat on a wall and JJ removed his hat, his floppy hair falling backwards as he looked upwards, turning to lean on an old poster.
They waited...
"He responded?" Asked Pope."
"He's typing." she looked around, "He's typing."
'Is JJ there?' He said in the group chat.
This made pope ask, "Maybe Y/N is with them?"
JJ responded, 'I'm here Bree'
'Did you pimp my short board?'
JJ chuckled and grinned.
Kie laughed and started to cry.
JJ looked around smiling ear to ear, "It's him."
Kie nodded and laughed, sniffing, "It's him."
"It's definitely him." Pope smiled widely, hugging JJ.
John B was alive, and so was Sarah! They had never felt such relief and joy in all their lives.
JJ then turned to hug Kie too, smiling.
JJ spun around and shook his fists, crushing his hat, "oh YEAH!!"
'Laying super low in Nassau' texted John B on his stolen phone.
"How the hell did they get to the Bahamas?" Kie asked.
"Okay uh.." Pope thought.
"You can't kill a pogue dude." JJ smiled.
"Especially John B." Pope smiled back at him.
'Can you clear my name? wanna come home.' John B texted again.
"Hell yeah we will boy." JJ smiled at his phone.
one last text. 'Be in touch. P4L.
JJ stood up again, "P4L man! That's what I'm talking about!" He leapt on a table as Kie cried happily and Pope hugged her. "P4L BABY!"
"Holy shit dude!" shouted Kie.
They laughed and hugged.
"Two down, one to go" Whispered Kie.

(A/N: not much Y/N i know... BUT i just need Cleo to go after John B and Sarah and it'll be better sooooooooooooooooo
until next time.)

Life on the cut (JJxReader) OuterBanks FanficWhere stories live. Discover now