The Treehouse.

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(A/N: hellooo! WE GOT UP TO 12K!!! This is so cool ahhh! Tysm for all the comments, they make my day! And the votes/views! It's so nice of you all xx
I hope you enjoy the dramas ALSO THAT BANNER 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵)

John B looked up at the night sky, "guys let's go."
"Hold on where?" Kie said as she followed John B.
Pope stood up, "Don't just walk off without explanation."
"We need to go to the wreck, Kie your car is there right?" John B asked.
Kie nodded.
"Well Lets go get it- we need to tell the cops that Peterkin found out about Ward's crimes so Rafe killed her..." Y/N slid down from the pile of junk and landed with a thud. "He won't get away with this."
JJ agreed with her, "he stole our gold."
John B sighed, "let's just go"

They got to Kie's house pretty easily and it wasn't long before they had reached the Cop's station.
"Someone has to tell them the truth." John B said a story pulled up.
Pope chocked from the back of the car as his lungs took in too much smoke.
"Ooo" JJ said.
"Easy there chief..." Y/N patted his back.
"Damn." JJ said, Pope was on his third blunt.
Y/N took it from him. "Enough now."
JJ lent over to John B and put a hand on his anxious friends shoulder, "alright. I'm gonna be real with you right now. You might end up in the lions den but you don't go their on purpose. It's fundamental. Just like my old man always told me, you should never trust cops. No matter the circumstance."
Kie looked at him with annoyance, "your old man's an abusive liar."
Pope stirred in the chair behind Kie, "I agree with JJ... fuck the police."
"You goin to the dark side now?" Kie said with surprise.
"He's just telling the truth." Y/N shrugged, "when's the last time any cop helped us?"
"Peterkin looked out for me alright?!" Burst John B.
The crickets chirped behind them and the silence of the night filled the gaping hole between them. An approaching storm grumbled in the distance.
"Tried too at least" John B chuckled sadly. "They need to know."
Kie nodded slightly and Y/N sat back in her chair. JJ grunted in the boot of the car and Pope was too high to do anything.
John B stepped out of the car-
He turns around.
"I'll go with you." Y/N  said, slipping the gun into her back pocket.
Kie looked at her with suspicion but said nothing. John B nodded and Y/N got out.


The door clicked open and shut behind them.
"Adam, at the clinic, Peterkin's still at the ER." Said a voice on the radio.
The dispatcher replied, "advise if you need air Tran. Copy."
"Copy that." They replied.
Static crackled on the radio as the two teens approached.
"Are you there?" The disbatcher pressed a button repeatedly  on her transmitter, it was broken.
"Uh... excuse me ma'am." John B mumbled.
She shook her white hair, "this is not a good time kid." She pressed the button more, "Adam, advice if you need air Tran."
"I know who shot the sheriff." John B whimpered.
The dispatcher stared at him and took off her glasses. She nodded at them, "you stay put. I'll get a deputy."
As she rolled her chair back and disappeared around the corner, John B looked at Y/N. "Wait outside."
"What? No."
"Just do it Y/N I don't need your protection." He gestured to the gun.
She looked suprised, "How did you... look, I- I don't care if you think you'll be okay. I just want to make su-"
"Just-" he lowered his voice, "just go outside. I don't want you to get caught with that. We'll get in trouble."
Y/N protested, "But John B-"
"Just go!" He shouted
"Jesus fine..." she slinked out the door as the radio went off, proclaiming "John Routledge" as a suspect, going on to describe him, "16 year old white male, six foot, last seen wearing board shorts, a 'bad brains' T-shirt, and a faded red hoodie."
She held the door open and yelled, "Dude!"
The deputy just arrived and was staring at John B, he knew who he was now.
An officer was next to him, "just... breathe, all right?" She said.
The deputy reached for his gun, "let me see your hands all right?"
"John B do what he says." The Officer said.
John B's breath was shaky, "look, I didn't... I didn't do it, okay?"
The deputy's growling voice replied, "don't. Move."
"Come on!" Y/N grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the door, cocking her own gun and shooting the floor in an attempt to scare off the officers.
"Don't move!" The deputy yelled and shot at them. The door beside Y/N had a hole pierced though it as they ran back to the car.
"Start the car Kie!" Y/N yelled as two armed officers ran after them.
Y/N cocked her gun again shot back at them and stopped the officers for just a second, enough to get away.
"Kie start the car!" John B said as the pair of them skidded to a halt beside the doors and jumped into Kie's car.
The Pogues all yelled over each other so manically that it was impossible to tell what was being said.
"What? What did you do?!" Kie hurriedly twisted the key in the ignition and drove away, an officer at the door, clutching the window.
"Go Kie!" John B yelled.
"I'm going!!!" She yelled back.
The deputy was being dragged along, "stop the car!"
"Go go go!" Y/N ushered.
"Stop! Right now!" The deputy said.
Kie's lip trembled, "what did you do?!"
"Open it." Pope said calmly.
The officer screeched, "Pull over!"
John B grunted and threw the door open, throwing the officer to the ground.
"Gah!" She yelled as she hit the floor with a thud.
No one was celebrating this escape.
"Y/N you shot at the FUCKING COPS!" Kie yelled
"They were going to kill John B!" She yelled back.
John B cried out, "SHUT UP!"
They panted heavily and drove in silence, the rattling of the car being all they could hear.

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