The Camerons.

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(A/N: Hey im tired x It's getting so hard to name these chapters.)

Wheezie was sitting upon a windowsill in her room, framing her with sunlight as she sat sadly with a notebook. Suddenly, she as disrupted by her phone dinging. She looked down to see she had a call from Nassau. The girl scoffed, "Spam." and want back to writing. This line said the words, 'Sarah Elizabeth Cameron. I miss my sister.' Little did she know that on Nassau, that 'spam' phone call was indeed her missing sister. 
She rung again, and again. Until Wheezie felt no choice but to answer it. "Stop calling me, spam."
"...Who is this?"
Sarah smiled, "Hi... It's me."
"Me who?"
Sarah started to laugh, "It's me are you dumb?"
Wheezie laughed, insincerely. "Ha ha ha really funny joke."
"It's me!" Sarah insisted, "If it wasn't me, how would I know that you pissed yourself in gym class in the fourth grade." This made Wheezie sit up, grinning. 
"Wait. No way! Wait, is it really you!?" She leapt up and jogged around, "Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god!"
Sarah shushed her gently, "Hey I need you to keep this on the down-low ok?"
"Yeah, no, no, no. No, no, no Yeah totally! Totally." She pushed the door shut, locking out Rose who was on the other side. "I'm- I'm in my room."
"You good?"
"Yeah I'm great! This is the happiest moment I've ever had!"
Rose slipped closer to Wheezie's closed door.
"Now is anybody around? I don't want anyone to hear. I have a really big favour to ask."
"Have you heard dad talk about what Gavin flew to paradise island?" She asked. Walking along broken down ruins of stone and wild plant life. 
"Yeah I heard him talking to Rose the other day. He said he had to fly out to Nassau to meet some bankers. It sounded urgent."
Sarah slipped around a corner and through a wooden archway with a decorative grate. She crossed through to see Y/N, John B and Cleo lounging on a old worn beige sofa. Or at least Y/N hoped it was beige. Terrance stood at the balcony while Stubbs sat at a chair to the side, playing with a bottle.
"Wheezie please, I need to know exactly when that meeting is."
"Yeah. Of course." Wheezie sat up, ever willing to help her sister. "I can't believe you're alive. I love you Sarah."
"I love you too Wheezie.." Sarah started tearing up.
Wheezie hung up and exhaled excitedly. Whispering, "Oh my god! Oh my god YES!" She rolled back onto her bed and squealed, waving her hands and legs around in joy.

Rafe had reached a familiar destination by now. His drug dealers house. Pulling up beside the door and removing his hat. Barry emerged from inside the half-motor home half tarp and mould building. He grinned and gappie smile, wearing long blue plumber suit. "Country club!" He slammed the door shut behind him. "Now ain't I supposed to be blackmailing you or some shit!?" 
Rafe glared at him fiddling with his hat. "Have at it. The cops grilled me already." He slid from his bike and wandered over. "What you have to say to them, I mean, half the town's already said." He hissed. "You got... you got nothing man."
Barry made a face of displeasure, "What you here for then? Come to rub that shit in my face?"
"Nah man to hook you up. You want some money?"
"What kind of stupid-ass question is that?"
"You used to work for water and power yeah?"
"Yeah I've had about every shitty job on this bit."
 The men conversed quickly and with intention. No time for small talk.
"Why you think I'm selling drugs bro?" Barry smiled.
"Ah, shit, I dunno man. probably for the lifestyle-"
"KEEP.... running that mouth. And see if I don't come knock that J.Crew-lookin' ass out."
Rafe rolled his eyes skywards and tossed a stack of 100s Barry's way.
"I need you help." He uttered with his empty eyes.

Back at his home, Wheezie was sneaking around to find her father's calendar. She silently wandered down the stairs and into her father's office. She grinned at her sneakiness as she sat down in his leather brown chair. She spun it to the side and leant backwards, holding his laptop on her knees. She guessed his password first time, and it opened to a booking site for flights. Ward had one booked for Nassau. Once that was closed, she found a site for buying swiss vaults. She looked about the desk-top and opened up his calendar. Wheezie easily found that at 3PM he was meeting someone at 349 Coral Bay Road. She used her phone to take a photo, and sent it to Sarah. 
"What are you doing!?" Rose touched Wheezie on the shoulder, making her almost drop the laptop- shitting herself. 
"OH! My God!" She shot up from the chair, hiding her phone. "Oh shit..." Wheezie bent over and lent on her legs, panting as her heart raced. She sighed as Rose crossed her arms, "I'm just missing my dead sister." and quickly scurried from the room.

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