The Gator.

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(A/N: Gator time bitchessssssssss)

Sarah was seated on the top of the Twinkie, trying to save her expensive shoes from even more water damage. The water had reached the bottom of the windows and was steadily rising with every passing moment. John B was watching the brown water slowly eat his precious van from a nearby tree. His jeans wet and uncomfortable.
"How long does it take to go two miles and back in a car!" Pope complained restlessly. He was watching out for the others by the front of the van.
John B threw his arms up in response to Pope, he was also annoyed.
"I feel like they're taking a minute." He said, bitterly. "Should I go look for them? Should I go find them and bring them back?"
John B nibbled on the dirty bandanna around his neck. It was salty. Gross. "I don't... I don't know. Just give me a second."
"Damn it! Every time." Pope kicked the water. "Why did we have to send those three. Like the slowest people on earth!"
John B looked up at Sarah, who felt his eyes on her. She stared up at the sky and tried to seem nonchalant. 
"Damn it damn it damn it. This is always happening to us!" Pope complained still, in the background.
John B stopped listening, he saw Sarah's empty neck, and fiddled with the knot on his bandanna. Sarah saw that, and watched him, why was he doing that? John B took it off from around his neck, and balled it up in his fist before shoving it into a pocket. Sarah looked away the second John B looked up again.
"-taken away! Such bullshit...." Pope approached the side of the Twinkie, leaning on it breathlessly, "Okay... okay here's something we can do."
Sarah wasn't really listening, she bit her lip and shook her head at John B. He was so dramatic sometimes.
"We can maybe find something to leverage the Twinkie, and you'll drive it out." Pope nodded at him.
John B instantly said, "Let's do driftwood."
Pope nodded, "Let's do driftwood."
The pair of them did a little handshake,
"All right."
"Be safe."
"Yeah you too."
"Let me know if you find anything." Pope called back over his shoulder as they parted.
"I will." He replied shortly.
Leaving Sarah on the roof of the Twinkie, feeling rather left out. 

Two beady little eyes were watching them.

"Hey Pope!" John B shouted out quickly.
"Yeah?" He called back, walking up to investigate something that looked like wood.
"Hey nothing smaller than three feet all right? Big pieces!"
Pope gave him a thumbs up, "Got you."
He then noticed a piece of something he was going to investigate, had sunk beneath the still water. It had, quite honestly, vanished.

"Hey." Luke snapped from the back. Kie rolled her eyes instantly. "Pull up to Home Food here. I'm gonna need some rations."
JJ pulled the truck up beside the shop, and Y/N got out first. "Crackers, baked beans, tuna. Salt if you're lucky." 
"I've got it, you wait here." JJ told her.
"Kie can handle that scumbag. Besides, I'm choosing how much cash we waste on him." She grinned and held up JJ's wallet. JJ felt his pockets suddenly, that thief.
"Five day's worth!" Luke called after them.
JJ shot back a "Yeah... I know." He looked back at Y/N, "I'm not giving him anything I don't 100% need to. Not anymore." He gently took the wallet back and kissed her cheek, "Back in a mo!"
Y/N rejoined Kie and Luke.

Luke drummed on the seats, trying to make Kie stop blatantly ignoring him.
"You're a terrible father you know that?" She spat.
 "Yeah." He said softly, "Preach it to me. Set me straight."
"God damn it." Y/N chuckled. "Your son. Is amazing. He is so special and yet- you have no idea. Not even a clue."
"He's a thief is what he is." Luke said back. Y/N tensed, Kie saw that.
"What are you." Kie calmly asked Luke.
Y/N replied for him, "He's a wasted local salt who never did shit but get messed up and hustle people. Kept on going and going until he got himself the rep of a shitty back alley bastard who keeps getting nicked. I have no idea how you're so smug all the time. Your son is ten times the person you'll ever be."
Kie raised her eyebrows, and nodded.
"You sound just like your mama." Luke grinned. "Hell knows she's made her way around. Still thinks she's better than everybody else but in the end- she's just a stupid whore who's hellbent on wrecking even more homes. This ain't her first time in outerbanks." He laughed. "Kook princesses, both of you. Just like your mamas. Anna still thinks she's worth all the praise but girlie's mama is just about to throw her overboard."
"Don't call me girlie." Y/N snapped. That was reserved.
"Hey. Ignore him." Kie put a hand on her arm. 
Luke lent into them, "You're both just like your mamas. And while you're slumming with the bad boys for now... All it means is you're ungrateful little shits. And as soon as you miss that kook life you'll go running right back." He chuckled, "Deep down you're still darlings of figure eight. Hopping up on your high horse and trotting around, like you're any better than kooks. If anything. You're so much worse."
Kie saw JJ leaving the shop, and she knew how pissed Y/N must be by this point... Now or never. She let go of Y/N's hand and Y/N punched him in the nose. Luke was knocked back into the car and hit his head on the headrest. He groaned.
"Don't talk about our families." Kie hissed in his ear. Luke started eyeing a blade tucked in a backpack in the truck, but JJ's whistle broke his thoughts.
"Hey." He gave him some beers and put the shopping in the back.
"Beers?" Y/N asked.
"It might shut him up for a bit." JJ replied.
"Let's get this over with, yeah." Kie said, glaring at Luke.
JJ started the truck, "Yeah." He sensed a lot of tension...

John B waded through now waist deep waters. It was hard. Not only was the water thick and hard to move in, but since it was opaque his feet kept getting caught in unseen reeds and mud.
"Gross." He mumbled.
Sarah was still sat on the Twinkie in her white jacket, watching the boys search.
Pope picked up something promising, but it was a foot long at best. He tossed it.
"Oh come on..." She heard John B mutter. His eyes fell upon a thick looking log... "That'll work." He shrugged, going over to grab it. "Hey Pope come help me out!"
"Give me a second!" Pope called back, "I'll be right over."
John B went to grab the driftwood.

But the driftwood had eyes. And teeth. And it snarled.

"Ga-" John B could barely get out a sound before he was submerged. Sarah sat up at the sound of frantic splashing. What was that? It was silent...
"John B?" She asked.
No reply.
No reply.
No reply.
"HELP!" He burst from the water, spluttering. Before being dragged in once again. The gator was gripping him tightly and dragging him down. The water gushed in his ears and went up his nose. John B couldn't breath John B was going to die.
Sarah discarded the state of her clothes instantly, jumping into the murky water. "Pope! John B!" She started reaching the Twinkie's windows, "Pope! I need help!" She couldn't fight a gator with just her hands. She needed a weapon.
John B felt a sharp pain, like a knives just clamped into him and tore his flesh. He screamed- and fell into the water again.
Pope heard the commotion, confused.
"John B! Hold on!" Sarah shouted, snatching a knife from the front seat and wading over as fast as she could. But this water was like honey. Time was moving so slowly and for fucks sake, damn it, so was she! Every second she spent making her way to him was another second he was deprived of air. 
"Sarah what's happening?" Pope shouted.
Sarah was panting heavily, using tree roots as solid footing to propel herself forwards, all she said was "Pope hurry!"
"John B!" He bellowed, "Hey!"
"Pope A gator has him!" Sarah explained.

She reached the sight of the commotion- but the waters became still again. It dawned on her where she was. There was a killing machine somewhere in this dense water. Fast. Unseen. Angry.
She whimpered. "John B..."
He exploded from the stillness, screaming. And then he was gone again. The Gator was hungry- and started to spin John B around and around and around. She was going to disorientate him and then eat him to feed her children.
"John B!" Sarah cried out, rushing towards the gator and striking at her back with the knife. Her belly was where she held John B. If Sarah timed this wrong she could stab him.
"John B!" Pope shouted, he was still a way away, trying desperately to reach the two of them. Legs aching from running so hard yet still getting nowhere.
Sarah grunted as she drove the knife into the gators back over and over, slashing through it's tough skin. Injured, her grip began to loosen and John B could scramble to his knees. He was blind, he couldn't hear, he didn't even know what was was up or down. His body just needed oxygen. He needed oxygen. Once he spluttered the air back into his lungs then he would think of a plan.
The gator snarled and growled, releasing the boy and slinking back into the water to tend to her many stab wounds. 

Sarah clutched John B and dragged him away- barely breathing. Pope rushed up behind him and grabbed John B's shoulders, "You okay man? Holy shit!"
John B couldn't tear his eyes away from the water. He was terrified.  
"Come on." Sarah panted.
"Let's go." Pope picked up John B and helped him back to the Twinkie. 
"Get to the Twinkie! Now!" John B spluttered.

(A/N: OOOOO gator drama mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm A lot of coldblooded reptiles in this chapter COUGH luke COUGH.
Until next time x)

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