The Cell. (Contains BJ)

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(A/N: It looks like some one asked me "out of these pics what to do You want as a banner?" And I just said "yes." I acc spend quite a while on the getting banner picture alone 😂
episode might contain a blowjob? I'm not sure 🤷‍♀️ but anyway I think that it'll probably end in this episode and there ain't much left. Hope you enjoy it! Alsoooo thank you all sooo much for the comments :3 they all make me smile ❤️)

Not long passed when Kie said "I'm gunna head to Heyward's, come down when your up."
She took JJ with her because Pope said, and I quote, "don't leave those two together. Only bad things will follow." So they took off.
"See ya" JJ winked as he got dragged out the door.
After walking up fully, Y/N dabbed her eye with some water and looked at her face in the mirror. Now in the light it didn't look so bad.... kinda. Her eye was still bloodshot and swollen. She had bruises but so did everyone else. They would heal up relatively quickly. She and Pope ran down to the wreck together, Pope's throat was sore and his back ached. So they had to take some rests along the way.
At one particular rest Pope looked at Y/N, saying "do you love JJ?"
Y/N was taken back. "Why are you asking?"
"Just answer. Do you love him or just love his dick."
Y/N went wide eyed and looked like she was about to fall over. "Sorry..." she chuckled lightly. "Come again?"
"I want to know if you really like him or if you just.. wanted something to do. Or in those case someone."
Y/N shook her head and smiled at Pope, "I really Love that idiot Pope."
He nodded, reassured. They continued towards Kie's.

After Y/N fell slightly being, Aiden jogged up to her. He said he was going to meet JJ down the beach soon, as he just got a message from him from the landline. He wondered if Y/N as coming.
"Oh um, yeah... yeah I'll come." She smiled- hoping Pope, who was up ahead, didn't see.

"I still can't believe they beat us. It was three on three" JJ had his head in his hands.
"They have private Gyms JJ. It's typical Kook shit."
The door clicked and In came Y/N and Pope.
"Oh hey Pope I've been wanted to ask you." JJ swiveled in his chair. "What was your thought process? Using your head?"
"I dunno man. Just kinda acted off instinct. I was a cornered animal." Pope replied, instantly going to help Kie behind the counter. Y/N sat next to JJ and unwrapped a lollipop from a nearby stand.
Kie put her hand on it. "You better pay for that."
Y/N sighed and grinned, handing over a couple quid from her pocket.
"Hey Pope," heyward appeared around the corner. "Someone's here to see you?" He didn't look happy.
Out walked an officer.
"Evening Officer." Pope's heart stopped. Kie stared at the three other Pogues and watched them all go pale.
"I have an arrest warrant for felony of destruction of property." He walked over with a piece of paper and some cuffs.
"What?!" Heyward looked surprised- then glared at JJ.
JJ bit his lip and Pope turned around to stare at him- they didn't know what to do.
"Hand where I can see em son." Pope obeyed. "Young lass out of my way." He ordered Kie.
"Woah- Shoupe, what'd he do?" Heyward asked, genuinely confused.
"Look at the warrant." He replied bluntly.
"You're arresting him?!" Kie looked dumbfounded.
Heyward raised his voice, "You're just arresting my boy?!"
"Be careful!" Protested Kie as shoupe dragged the injured Pope roughly.
Heyward took a step forward, "Shoupe?! Are you listening?"
JJ and Y/N looked at each other.
"You know what we gotta do Jay." Y/N grinded her teeth and stood up.
JJ followed, "yeah... yeah I know."
" say can and will be held against you in the court of law." He recited. "You have the right to an attorney."
"How much did they pay you man?" JJ demanded- looking for another way out.
The Pogues all cried over one another with defiance. Pope didn't hear a word. No way was he getting his scholarship with a criminal record. It was hard enough being from the cut. All he'd worked for- washed down the drain. He looked like he's been stabbed in the chest. His face was full of shame and fear. Y/N tried to run at the officer as JJ growled in his face- but he shoved them. Heyward grabbed their shirt collars and pulled them back.
Pope was seconds from getting loaded into the Police truck and taken away. The couldn't let that happen.
"It wasn't him!" Y/N shouted. Breaking noise into Pope's skull. He turned to face him.
"It was m-" JJ started.
"Us." She interrupted him.
"He this to talk us out of it..." JJ sauntered forwards.
"Some kooks just beat him up, we were mad." Y/N twiddled her fingers together.
"We were so sick of those asshole from figure eight that we lost it." He nodded slightly and rocked side to side as he stopped walking.
Y/N met Pope's eyes and gave him a small nod.
"I can't let you take the blame for something we did." JJ Finished.
In Kie's head- things were starting to piece together.
"You've got too much to lose Pope." Y/N stepped towards him and put a hand on his neck.
"What are you guys doing." Retorted Pope.
JJ cocked his head. "Tellin the truth." He spat. "For once in my goddamn life. I'm gonna tell the truth." He grinned. It didn't reach his eyes.
"I was the one who took his old man's boat..." Y/N admitted, and looked down.
"What the hell." Heyward started at Y/N. He hardly knew his son's newest friend but he didn't expect another JJ.
Pope looked panicked. "Guys come on."
JJ stopped him, "Shut up Pope. Just shut up."
No one said anything.
"He's a good Kid." JJ gestured at Pope. "You know where I'm from."
The officer started at JJ and thought it over.
"Yeah.. but her." He pointed at Y/N. "I know your dad. He would expect better from his kid. I did too."
JJ nodded and sucked his inner lip.
"It was all us." Y/N shrugged and smirked, trying to play it cool.
Pope looked upset... really upset.
"That's the whole truth?" Shoupe asked.
For a moment, Pope looked like he was going to deny it.
"Whole truth. Swear to god." Y/N added.
"I know what you think, damn it. I'm asking Pope." He wanted a trustworthy input.
Pope gulped, staring at his friends. A long period of silence followed. "Yeah, that about covers it." He looked down.
When he met their eyes again, his were full of gratitude and tears. JJ felt tears prick his own. Handcuffs rattled and Pope was freed. Y/N felt the cold metal grip her wrists and JJ's followed. Their heads were forced into the truck and the doors locked.
Kie watched them ride away, distressed. Heyward didn't fully believe what he was seeing- but was just glad his son was ok. Pope held his head and span around. Suddenly throwing his hat to the floor with all the strength he could muster.
"Shit!" He yelled.
Heyward looked taken aback, "Pope?" He picked up his hat. "Pope!"

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