chapter three

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The next morning my aunt was sitting in the kitchen drinking her coffee, I looked at her and said "Good morning" she just ignored me, so I decided to breakfast quickly and make my way to the beach with the guys and Kie.

When I arrived there I saw no one but Rafe, why was he everywhere I went to. I came closer to him "Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked "I'm having a walk through the beach, why would I come here then" He replied "And what are you doing here?" he added.
"I'm waiting for JJ, Jonh B, Pope and Kie" I said.

He seemed so irritated at my response so I said "Are you okay?" He looked at me and said "Since when are you friend with them, I don't think it's a good idea you go out with them" he said really serious, "Well I don't think I need your opinion to go out with my friends, I don't even know you at all".

I felt he was gonna scream at me, I was kinda scared why was he acting like that he was my neighbour not even my friend. Suddenly I saw JJ and Jonh B behind him so I said "Well um, I have to go" he rolled his eyes and said nothing looking really upset.

I didn't know why he cared that much about me hanging out with them. We literally met yesterday, it was weird I couldn't stop thinking about him and what we talked.

"Y/N are you okay you seem really distracted" JJ asked me, "Yes I'm okay just thinking". After that JJ and Kie went to surf while Jonh B and me were alone at the beach, it was the first time we were alone since we met, "So what do you like this place?" He said smiling at me. "I actually love it, everything seems so calm and a good place to live" I replied.

Somehow I felt so comfortable talking with Jonh B, we talked a lot about bunch of things in a day, we had a lot in common. When Kie and JJ came back, JJ gave this look to Jonh B, I noticed the look but I didn't say anything.

We all were already going home when Jonh B asked me if I wanted to sleep over there because it was too late for going home alone. Jonh B and JJ lived together so I thought it wasn't a bad plan, I messaged my aunt telling her I wasn't gonna sleep there even though she didn't cared.

The three of us were sitting in the couch watching a film when JJ said he was going to sleep cause he was so tired of surfing today. Jonh B and I just said "Good night" to him and continued watching the film. I didn't noticed I fell asleep resting my head on the chest of Jonh B, when he noticed he put his arm around my waist and fell asleep too.

When I woke up I saw we both fell asleep really close, I was really comfortable to move so I stayed in that position till he woke up. "Good morning" he said with a deep rough voice, "Good morning" I replied with a smile. We didn't said nothing about how we slept but I knew he was thinking about it and he knew as well I was thinking about it.

After the breakfast Jonh B asked me to drive me to my house, we got into the van and started talking about the night before, "So I wanted to ask you something Y/N" I looked at him with no idea what he wanted to say and said "Yeah?", We were getting closer to my house when he decided to talk and said " I wanted to ask you if you'd be my girlfriend, I really like you" He nervously said, I was shocked but i felt the same way as him so I smiled at him and said " I'd love to be your girlfriend " he sighed happily. Before I got out the van he kissed me, and I kissed him back as well.

When I got out I could feel someone was staring at me, I looked around till I saw Rafe with the saddest and most angry look I have ever seen. I didn't cared at all he was nothing to me, even though I felt somehow around him.

Note- So idk how this chapter was but I really hope everyone's enjoying it!

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