chapter five

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When I woke up I was very dizzy so I went downstairs and took a pill, and I started to feel good when I decided to go see the boys, I got dressed and went to the beach.

When I arrived to the beach JJ told me that Jonh B didn't come back from the party last night, I thought maybe he would be with Sarah, but why would he be with her tho.

I decided to go to the Cameron house to find out if Jonh B was there. When I arrived Rafe opened the door for me and said "I knew you missed me already princess" I rolled my eyes and asked for Jonh B, he looked confused "Why would he spend the night at my house, of course he is not here" "It's your sister home?" I asked "Uh no she didn't spent the night here" When he noticed what was happening he looked at me seeing my sad look guessing what was happening. "Hey it's okay I'm sure my sister it's just hanging out with some friends and Jonh B maybe needed a break" he tried to cheer me up " Thank you but you don't need to cheer me up I'm ok" I said goodbye to him and went to my house.

I got a message from a random number saying there was a party tonight at the beach. I had to go so I could distract myself from this shit.

I started to get dressed when I had this thought about if Jonh B and Sarah were gonna be there, I decided to put the best clothes I had, a red bikini with a red dress, this one was short and didn't covered my back either but it was somehow hotter than the blue one. This time I didn't put any make up on me I already looked good without it.

When I got there I saw JJ and Pope so I walked to them and asked for Jonh B, they didn't know nothing about him yet. I saw Rafe, Topper and Kelce coming from the other side of the beach. Rafe came closer to me and started at me "That dress looks amazing on you" He said and looked straight to my eyes, I blushed trying to not show it. He was shirtless and with blue pants that made his eyes shine more than ever, or maybe it was just my imagination but he made me stare at him "You look amazing" "I mean you look pretty good" I said noticing what I just said, he smirked noticing what I said too. "Do you want a drink?" He asked me, "Sure". When he gave me my drink we looked at each other when I noticed that my eyes were drifting towards his lips, I wanted to kiss him so bad when I heard JJ talking to someone I turned back and saw John b hand in hand with Sarah almost kissing.

I dropped the drink when everyone turned to see me I quickly left the beach and sat near the other part of the beach "Y/N?" I didn't looked back knowing it was Rafe, he sat next go me and put his arm around my shoulder. I looked at him and when he tried to speak I cut him off with a kiss, I can't explain what I felt when I kissed him but I know I didn't want it to end, his lips were soft, and I felt safe kissing them, when I turned away from his lips I said "I'm sorry I-" he cut me off and kissed me back this time more intensely and passionate. When we both turned away from each other's lips we looked at each other when he said "I wanted to kiss you since the first time I saw you", "Well you just did" I laughed while looking at his lips again. "We should go to my house, there's no one there and I don't think my sister it's going to show up after all this" he said and I followed him to his car.

When we entered his house I told him that if I had pills for motion sickness because I was feeling sick again, he gave me a pill and we went up to his room, I didn't want to cry but I couldn't hold back the tears when he realized that I was crying he approached me "Y/N you don't have to feel bad for all these, I know you loved him but there are people who are like that." He said "I just don't understand it, we haven't even been around for 2 days when he decides to disappear and cheat on me without telling me" he perfectly knew how I was feeling and just hugged me and giving me a kiss in the forehead "I think you need some rest, I'll sleep in the guest room, good night" he said "Wait, could you sleep with me I don't feel really well sleeping alone" I was obviously lying I had always slept alone but I felt more safe and comfortable with him "Oh sure" I smiled at his response and we slept together.

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