12 - nightmares

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i felt like that bitch.

tonight, i was the shit.

i was dressed in a little blue dress with white trainers and black sunglasses.

we'd split up; Kie and Pope, me and JJ, and John B went alone, all looking for a safe or trap door or hidden exit where the clue could be.

"we don't know what we're looking for so just take anything that looks interesting." Pope reminded us in the car.

so far, the only interesting thing JJ had found was a bottle of 1962 single malt whisky from a store room, which was now 'hidden' up his shirt.

we'd found back rooms and store rooms and attic rooms, but after searching them all, we came up empty handed.

"found anything?" Kie asked, walking up behind me.

"nope, you?"

she shook her head, then something caught her eye. "John B is waving."

we walked over to him.

he was stood by a fire escape.

"this leads outside." he told us, putting my hand up to the crack so i felt a cold breeze.

"let's go," JJ made to push the door open.

"we can't," Jonny grabbed his arm before he could. "opening it will trigger the alarms."

i sighed, looking about.

an idea hit me.

"put me on your shoulders," i said to JJ.

"what?" he looked confused.

"just do it, and give me your lighter." i turned to JB.

he handed it over, the same expression as JJ on his face.

"now dance!" i yelled over the music.

JJ was baffled, but made his way to the dance floor and started bobbing about.

i threw my hands in the air, the lighter grasped tight in my grip.

i flicked the flame on and held it close to the smoke detector on the ceiling.

"hey!" a security guard made his way towards us. "you need to get down!"

i held the lighter up for a second longer before scrambling down.

i grabbed JJ's hand and ran as the alarms started to blare and water rained down on us.

John B opened the door and we raced up the metal stairs, the cool night air contrasting vastly from the hot sticky air of the club.

there was a door at the top of the stairs which was locked with a padlock and chain.

JJ braced his hands on the railings either side of us and kicked the door hard.

on the third kick it burst open to reveal a grey concrete room with a desk and moth eaten leather chairs.

"this is nice..." Pope grimaced.

John B walked in first, me after, JJ behind me, Pope, then Kie.

"there's a safe," John B called, his voice echoing creepily.

i walked up to the safe and looked all around for a piece of paper with the code written on it, but again, found nothing.

i'd have to crack it myself.

i turned the dial left and right.

"what are you doing?" JJ whispered.

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