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"Breaking the rules"

"What was that about?" JJ asks as he takes a seat on the side of the boat next to me. Kie and Pope were still on the bow, watching carefully to the water. I don't understand what they're trying to see. John B went under water minutes ago, he probably already made his safety stop. They're not gonna see him there.

I turn my eyes away from them to JJ, who was the best distraction from all of this I could find at the moment. "What was what about?" I ask playing clueless.

JJ doesn't buy it. "You know what."

Automatically I glance at Kie, who's still looking at the water. JJ follows my eyes but soon looks back at me, a questioning look on his face.

"I don't know", I just shrug, but my expressions betrays me as I can't keep a small smile from forming to my lips.

"Yes, you do!" JJ whispers so the Kie won't hear us as he nudges me with his leg. "Come on tell me!"

Again I shrug my shoulders, the smile still on my lips. I still can't believe Kiara just did that. But I'm so happy she did. Too bad John B couldn't stay up here any longer so they could've talked a little.

"But we have the rule and all", JJ mutters to himself, probably didn't mean to say that out loud.

"I thought you didn't care about rules and stuff like that?"

JJ rolls his eyes as he turns to look at me. "What have I missed?"

"Nothing", I smile at him. "Don't strain your brain with this."

He goes quiet again, turning his eyes back to Kiara. Pope has walked away from the bow and Kie has sat down there. I look at JJ from the side, and I can almost see the cogwheels spinning inside his head.

Then his head turns again. "Okay, don't tell me, I don't care. But we still have the rule!"

It's almost adorable how confused he is. "You're right, we do."

"Then how can she do that? How can she just go and kiss John B?"

"It's a free country", I shrug again. I see the frustration in JJ's eyes but I'm loving this way too much to stop.

"Funny", he raises his eyebrows at me unimpressed. After a moment he continues. "So you mean that all this time I could've just done that? I could've just broken the rule, just like that?"

"You also want to kiss John B?" Now I raise my brows at him. But in the back of my mind a different thought starts to form, one that I don't really like, and Really don't want to think about. Because what if he wanted to kiss Kie. His and John B's conversation back at the motel yesterday. He said he'd 'tried her door'.

"No I wanted to kiss Pope", JJ says sarcastic smile on his lips as he looks at me still very frustrated. "No, of course not! I-" he stop for a while, like he realised what he just said, or was about to say. "Hypotetically."

"Yeah, sure."

Unfortunately, I don't get to ask anything else about that, when I hear the sound of a siren coming from somewhere not so far away.

"Shit, JJ", Pope nods towards a boat behind us  as he stands up. 

"Guys, that's the police", JJ stands up as well.

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