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      "Falling from cloud nine"

"This is the day", John B says. I lean back to the fence around the dock as we stand there, watching the calm water and cloudless sky in the morning sun.

"Seems calm enough", Pope agrees.

And that's how it was decided, we were going to find the gold, today. John B had dragged us up from our hammocks and to the dock, only to show us the calm water and the sun that was shining from clear sky. It was the perfect weather for some treasure hunting and when I realised that, despite the early wake up, I was not tired, at all. It could've also been the closeness of JJ's body that pulled all the tiredness of my body during the night, but I like the gold version more. Feels safer to admin.

It took John B less than five minutes to get the boat ready. And he did it alone, since I wasn't the only one who would've prefered five minutes more to sleep. It didn't make us less exited or energetic but John B managed with the boat just fine and we got to let the idea sit. The fact that we were going to the Royal Merchant. I had already made it true in my mind, that the Merchant and the gold was there. It had to be, or all that we did would be for nothing. And I wasn't going to settle for that.

The only downside was the damn time. Couldn't we wait until it was like 10 in the morning? No, we had to leave at 7.30.

"We're going to be rich", JJ exclaimed as he jumped in to the boat last. He hadn't stopped grinning since the moment John B said we would go today.

"Don't celebrate yet", Pope said seriously but the same grin could be seen on his face too. "We can only see the gold. The drone can't pull it up."

"Well figure it out then", John B said lightly, the fact clearly not bothering him at all. But it should've, because when someone finds something, it's more likely for someone else to find it too. We should get the gold up as soon as possible, but we had no plan of how. "When we find the gold, nothing will get in our way."

"If we find the gold", Kie says, emphasizing her words as she speaks. "And it's not a little but very naïve to think that", she adds, glancing at John B meaning fully. "If we see something sparkly in the bottom of the ocean, doesn't mean everyone will believe us, or won't use that against us."

"Come on Kie", I bump my shoulder to hers as we're sitting on the bow next to each other, like always. The smile from my lips catches to her and she turns her head to the side to hide the fact that she might have some faith in this too.

"I'm just saying what's true", she shrugs fully smiling now. Kie maybe doesn't need the money like we do, not for the same reasons at least, and hasn't taken it as seriously as the rest of us but her reaction now makes me even more sure it's there. We're so close.

The wind picks up a little as we get further out to sea, making me very glad for choosing to wear a hoodie for this trip. We can't be far from the spot, because the land has been long gone and JJ's starting to slow the speed.

"All right, JJ. Pin it here", John B says after a while.

"Roger that! X marks the spot."

I sat up straighter on the bow when John B lifted the drone and watched as he unraveled any knots on the tether. "Alright Ladies and Gentlemen", he looked around before dropping the drone to the water. "To going full kook."

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