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"I couldn't say the words like you"

John B wraps his dirty and disgusting arms around mine as the others keep shouting and panting in panic. The smell from John B is quickly filling my nose, making me want to throw up, the feeling of mud sticking to my shirt not helping. But I was smiling. Everyone else was panicking in worry but I was smiling. Something really broke inside of me.

"Oh my God!" JJ laughs when he glances back from the drivers seat and sees the condition John B is in. Soon he gets serious again and I pull back from hugging John B, just slightly disgusted by myself. "Are you okay? Are you shot?"

"No", John B shakes his head.

"You good?"

"Yeah, yeah."

"I think I'd know if I was shot, right?" Kie asks.

"You're fine", I go to wrap my arm around her shoulders, not remembering the mud that got there a moment ago. Kie does though, grabbing my hand before it can touch her and gently moving it back away from her.

"As long as that stuff doesn't touch me I am", she says then, her face looking first at me and then down to John B with that grossed out expression.

"You look gross", Pope states at John B.

"God you smell like ass", Kie adds, looking at John B now.

"Can't you see he's been through a lot?" I hurry to defend John B and his smelly appearance. He just went to a well probably hundreds of years old. "Don't be so mean about."

"What the hell just happened?" Sarah breaths out, thankfully not mentioning John B in anyway. I think it bothers me more than it bothers him, but it's just mud. It won't kill you.

"All-time Pogue Hall of Fame, baby!" JJ shouts an answer for her from the front seat.

"Hell yeah", we agree with Kie. This time she wraps an arm around my, still clean, shoulders and pulls me a little closer as we grin at Sarah that is looking at us with a somewhat unbelieving expression. Maybe a really surprised smile?

"That bitch is possessed", Kie then continues to Sarah, referring to Crain.

"That bitch can't aim", Sarah adds.

"She was scarily good, remembering she's old and blind", I point out, the images of Crain beating Kie with her cane and showing the poker through the door, almost smashing my head. Not to mention her face. Her eyes will forever haunt me, I'm sure of that.

"How does she move that fast?" Pope asks, and I really can't understand it either. A lot of this made no sense.

"She's possessed", Kie repeats, that being her explanation for eveything that happened today.

"I don't get it", Pope keeps wondering. "Like Master Yoda."

"Dunno", Sarah just shrugs, throwing her head back exhausted.

"Don't tire your brain with it", I pat Pope's knee from my seat. "We're not supposed to get it, we're supposed to fear it."

"It makes no sense, scientifically", Pope keeps thinking about it and I roll my eyes since my words were ignored. I'd rather not talk about Crain, we could just forget it.

"She does yoga. Pilates."

I turn my attention away from their conversation and look for something else to think, when my eyes land on John B. To his hands, more specifically. He's holding something, wiping the mud and dirt off. And when his finger has wiped once more, a yellowish thing is to be seen on his hand. Not yellowish, goldish.

Someone to stay || JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now