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"Parcel 9"

"That doesn't prove anything!"

I groan as I let my head fall to the table in front of me, too tired of listening JJ and Kie fighting against Pope's doubts. He was stressing because we still didn't have the map John B promised us yesterday, even though our first reason of worry at the moment should be John B, who we have heard nothing about. Well, except Kie, who told us Sarah had called her and told her everything was fine and John B would meet us at the wreck. She had just forgot to mention when so now we've been waiting for over an hour for him but there's still no sign of him.

We're sitting around one of the tables near a window in the Wreck. Kie had to work this morning, and I couldn't understand how she was brave enough to see her parents so soon after she ran away from the midsummers last night. Spoiler alert, she wasn't. Her parents weren't working because the midsummers were last night and they needed to rest, so it was safe for Kie and the rest of us to hang out here until John B would show up. If he showed up at all. I'm starting to lose my hope about that.

"Are you sure John B is coming?" I interrupt Pope's complains.

"Sarah said he was", Kie shrugs like she doesn't care but she has that certain look on her face, the look that she has when Sarah is brought up. And now that John B is with Sarah, kind of, it's eating her alive.

"Okay, right", I nod my mouth in a straight line. I guess John B got distracted with Sarah then since he isn't here.

We didn't even try to go see him at the hospital. All of us wanted to, but it wasn't really worth it. If we made it there before John B woke up, it wouldn't help much and we would've been driven away as soon as he did woke up, since the DCS was definitely there. Or that's what Pope claimed, and I don't have enough excuses to prove why we should've tried at least.

Finally the front door of the Wreck opens and John B walks in, looking way too happy with his arm in plaster. No but he really seems to be surprisingly well. Only thing that tells me there was an "accident" last night, is the broken arm. Nothing else, that's visible at least. He's wearing shorts and a t-shirt but there's no bruises on his arms or legs. He got lucky I see.

"Hey!" John B exclaims with a smile.

"Hey", me, JJ and Pope answers in unision. I feel a relieved smile grow to my face, even though I thought I was angry at him for taking so long. Apparently it didn't matter as long as he was okay.

Kie didn't say hey with us, a relieved smile didn't grow to her face, not even little worry in her expression. She stood there leaning to the counter, arms crossed over her chest and eyes staring almost coldly at John B. "Why'd Sarah call me this morning? Why didn't you call yourself?" She asks but answers to herself, not giving John B time to answer. "Oh, right, she was there kissing you when you nearly died, but sure there's nothing going on with you two. That's probably why she called. Wanted to twist the knife in my wound."

John B stops, looking at Kie speechless for a while before a nervous and very uncomfortable chuckle leaves his mouth. "Can we just, um, talk about that later? I have news."

"You and Sarah are offical?" I can't help but ask jokingly. I really think John B did the wrong thing when he lied to Kie, and overall made out with Sarah when he knew Kie's past with her.

"Not you too", John B sighs glancing at me disappointed. I just smile at him sweetly, making him roll his eyes. "You all can see how I didn't get taken away by DSC and are probably wondering how is that possible. I almost did though, but-"

"Can you get to the point?" JJ asks, drumming his fingers to the table impatiently. "It's not that I don't care, it's great you're still with us man, but we waited an hour here and I'm not gonna wait for another because you talked too much."

Someone to stay || JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now