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"I'll be safe for you

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"I'll be safe for you."

✦ ·  ·  ·  · ──────────── ·  ·  ·  · ✦

THE ORIGINAL GROUP of five has now changed into six due to the fact that Sarah has now joined them, not a single one of them having any disliking towards the girl anymore. John B's plan had worked better than he could've imagined and is grateful for the three girls talking through their issues. The mission would only work with all of them together, and he can't even think of it being any other way.

All of the friends have mutually agreed to go to the Crain House and search for the gold, specifically at nightfall. This is only to prevent any suspicions from the people in the surrounding areas. Currently, the teenagers are parked outside of the creepy house itself with black clothes clinging to their bodies in order to blend in with the darkness. Equipments are gripped in their hand to ensure that everything will go according to plan.

Climbing over the locked gate, they all begin to make their way through the overgrown greenery and to the basement they were in before. However, they come to a halt and dive down behind some bushes as the porch lights turn on as they edge nearer. Strings of curses leave some of their mouths, forgetting that people have those connected to their houses. The flashlights are fumbled around with before the lights are finally turned off to avoid more attention.

"Okay, so she has motion sensor lights." Pope states.

"We could, uh... move really slowly, maybe?" JJ suggests with uncertainty.

"Yeah, that's not how it works." Pope replies..

"Oh, shit. Let's throw a rock at it." John B suggests, adding in his own idea.

"That's a really good idea actually. We should let the axe murderer know that we're here." Kie comments, sarcasm laced in her voice.

"Throw a rock at it?" Delilah repeats, raising a brow at the brunet.

"You guys have a better idea?" John B fires back.

"Literally anything but that." Kie replies.

"What about the breaker? In the circuit box on the porch." Sarah tells them, deciding to make her own suggestion too. "We used to play hide and seek here as kids. If we were brave enough, we'd go all the way up to the porch. I've seen it."

"No, no. You're not going to go into that house on your own." John B protests.

"Watch me." Sarah challenges.

THE REDHEAD ☾ jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now