|Chapter I|

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"Ah. If it isn't the Salvatore Boarding School for Gifted Youngsters. The home of cliques abounding and where I don't fit in... at all. Lovely."

Despite living in the Salvatore Boarding School with her older siblings and stuff, Sierra Jones still always found herself consistently just being the odd one out.

Not quite ever going to be good enough to belong with the Witches, who have much more of any sort of control over their magic then she will ever have. But at the same time not quite belonging fully with the pack of werewolves that roamed the hallways of the school either, despite being much more in-tune with her wolf side than most.

Sierra as always, she had her trusty headphones over her ears, as she walked down the stairs and she felt someone shove into her hard from the side and she dropped all of her books, as she crashed into the barrier of the stairwell and nearly went over. Her books were scattered in every direction and she sighed quietly.

"Watch it, freak!" One of the vampires called over his shoulder as Julianna felt her werewolf side trying to be smart. Shoving up to the surface and she let out a low growl, one of the things that had the vampires stopping, specifically the one that had shoved her, sending her books everywhere.

"I guess that the freak does have a few things to add to the party word with us. What are you gonna do to us, little freak?" The vampire asked as he advanced down the stairs toward her and suddenly, it seemed like every vampire in the school was coming around and Sierra's eyes were glowing brighter now, as she wasn't counting on anyone else for help in the school for this. "Guess you're too scared to do anything--"

"Motis!" Sierra snapped out loud and when she did it, the vampire was caught up in a sudden surge of magic and he was sent tumbling, right over the side of the stairway.

The rest of the vampires, they were suddenly all closed in tightly around her with snarls and hissing heard, as she was growling savagely as she had dropped everything out of her hands, a move all in preparation for a fight.

The vampires closed in and Sierra tipped her head back, as the howl was echoing through the school. Sierra lunged quickly at the nearest vampires, trying to break through the solid barrier and failing miserably, as they descended on her with punches and kicks, as she curled up to try and protect herself.

"Hey!" Out of nowhere, werewolves were jumping into the hugely unfair fight, as vampires fell into fights with the wolf pack, breaking up into a few smaller fights.

As the werewolves distracted the vampires from continuing to come after Sierra, a few of the witches in the hallway managed to dodge the many fights, running to get up to the spot on the stairs where Sierra was against the banister. Even a couple of the werewolves broke out of the fighting to help, as they managed to get Sierra out of the thick of it as they got her quickly into the library.

"Owww." Sierra said as she was growling real quietly and her eyes were flashing golden yellow and she felt her healing start to kick in. "I'll be fine in a few hours." She pointed out and the one werewolf that she really didn't want to see, was walking over to her with her facial expression back into what everyone called her "permanent scowl" and Sierra growled quietly. "What do you want?" She snapped.

"What? No thank you Remy, for saving your miserable ass again?" Her older sister asked and Sierra glared at her with a low growl as they heard yips, howling and loud hissing from outside of the library. "We're risking the pack, again. You're lucky that Jed doesn't think that it's a waste of time."

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