|Chapter IV|

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A knock came on Sierra's dorm room and she looked up at the noise coming from just outside of her door. Sierra's eyes flashed, as she pulled her hand backward as if she was yanking on a rope, and the door was flung open.

"So! Are you coming to the big old "start of term" drinking party, out at the Old Mill tonight?" Her roommate Alexandra or "Alex" Carter asked and the older female werewolf swiftly was able to shut the door in the face of the unfortunate soul. In other words, whoever just so happened to be standing out there in the hallway by their door.

"I don't go to parties, Lexi, you know that." Sierra pointed out and she saw that Alex was already rifling through both of their closets for something for her to wear. "Alex! Alex, I'm not going to this stupid party." Sierra said as Alex shook her head at her.

"Yes, yes, yes my dear friend, you are coming to this party. Even if I have to drag your sorry ass out of this dorm room to get you there." Alex spoke up and she tossed a dress at Sierra, who looked disgusted with the length of it and she shook her head.

"I'm not wearing that! I already told you that I am not going to the stupid "back to school" party." Sierra said as Alex crossed her arms over her chest and the two stared at each other for a solid few seconds.

"Jed asked me if you were gonna show up to the party. Not sure why he asked me but maybe, he just wanted to piss off your sister by having you show up. I like you, Jed thinks you're worth more than being a bloodied up mess of a wolf on the floor, clearly, or he would have just let the bloodsuckers beat you up around the bush yesterday. Come on, Si, just this once." Alex pleaded and Sierra sighed.

"I hate you." Sierra muttered and Alex's grin nearly broke her face in half and she grinned from ear to ear at what Sierra had agreed to. "But no makeup on me and no heels." Sierra snapped and Alex held up her pinky finger, as they pinky swore and got to work.

|Old Mill|

Sierra had been convinced to wear simple black eyeliner and she had her very standard jewelry that consisted rather simply of her moonlight ring on her necklace and a bracelet on her wrist that was modeled after a viking torc, with a wolf head at each end of it to close around her wrist.

"Why the hell did I let you convince me into coming to this?" Sierra asked Alex, who looked happy and excited as usual, while Sierra trudged along in runners and the stupid and short dress, that could be called nearly a shirt on her.

"Because you are my roommate and the best friend ever! I'll get us drinks, you stay here." Alex ordered as Sierra was all too happy to, as once Alex had walked away, she swiftly slipped her leather jacket on over the dress and she leaned against a tree, trying to not be noticed by anyone.

"I see that Alex finally convinced you to come out of your guys' dorm room for once." Sierra jumped in surprise and a moment later, she turned her head to the side to see Jed. "Want a drink?" He asked and held a cup out to her.

Sierra took the drink and she looked at it, before she shrugged at his words and took a sip. "It was either I come willingly to this insanity, or she would knock me out and drag me here." She muttered as she took a big gulp of the beer.

"What else would you have been doing anyways?" Jed asked and she looked at him with raised eyebrows a bit. "Right, right... you are always a quick study and you love to practice magic." He said and she nodded a bit as she finished her beer. "Jesus, that was quick." He said with a laugh.

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