|Chapter IX|

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After Rafael had joined the pack, he was already trying to start asking Jed for favors and when Sierra caught his scent as he walked into the gym once again, Sierra growled at him and her eyes glowed golden yellow.

"What's up?" Rafael asked and Sierra's fangs were poking her in the gums as they stirred, wondering why he was back again so soon to ask for more favors. "Hey Jed, you might want to get this Beta of yours checked out by a doctor. It looks like she might have rabies or even something worse." Rafael said and Sierra looked like she was ready to kick his ass into next week.

"Ease up Si, he won't hurt us. He is miserably, completely outnumbered by us and the rest of the pack that all stand with us." Jed said calmly and he looked at Sierra as he turned around a bit to face Rafael.

Sierra backed up a single step and now she was standing next to him rather than in front of him and Rafael was scoffing at their beta-alpha bond of sorts.

"Also, there is nothing wrong with Sierra in any capacity. She just knows her place in the pack hierarchy, as my second in command, the Beta of the pack. You clearly still haven't gotten the memo about where you stand in the terms of pack hierarchy yet have you?" Jed asked and he shook his head at him. "You're at the bottom Rafael. You are the lowest of the low, the Omega, the bitch of the pack." He said and Rafael glared at him.

"You are okay with just being called a second in command? Just another Beta of the pack?" Rafael asked and she looked at him, as she crossed her arms over her chest with a silent glare.

"A couple of weeks ago, I was shunned by every faction in this school. Vampires hate werewolves and I'm half werewolf. Until I proved my worth by defeating my older sister Silver at the party the other night at the Old Mill, I was shunned by this pack that I'm standing with now. My other half? The witches shunned me too, the only exceptions being Hope Mikaelson and my oldest sister. So if you are seriously just trying to get me to turn my back on the first family that I have ever had here, then you would have better luck breastfeeding a horse." Sierra said coldly and he was looking at her with a low growl.

"We need to talk, Jed..."

"We already did." Jed said and he looked at Sierra, who was fiddling with the necklace that held the ancient moonlight ring already, if she needed to prepare for a fight.

"Just hear me out. I have already got both of the other factions, the vampires and the witches. But I just need one more faction to make sure. Be nice to know that I could count on my own pack..."

"It's not your pack, dumbass. Like Jed already pointed out to you, twice, you are the very lowest of the low." Sierra snapped coldly.

"I was talking to the Alpha, not to his subordinate." Those words bit in hard, as Sierra went silent at that and although her face was portraying no emotions, her shoulders were shaking very slightly after he had spoken the words.

"For one, nobody talks to the Beta of this pack like that ever. For two, like we have both said by now. You are the lowest of the low, the shitting Omega of this pack. And for the final reason. That's the thing, Raf. They aren't your pack. They're mine." Jed finished and he turned his back to Rafael, as Sierra growled after Rafael in annoyance as she felt a sudden shift in the air.

"I thought you might say that."

"Jed." Sierra warned and Jed turned around, as the fight for the rank of the Alpha had begun. Sierra got out of the way fast, as the two were beating the crap out of each other and Sierra was wincing.

At first, it did look like Jed was winning the fight. At least until Sierra remembered something that could be the difference between the winner or loser of this fight.

"Rafael is used to getting back up."

She thought to herself and Sierra watched as Jed hit the floor and he was nearly out cold, and she shook her head a little bit silently, at the sight of Rafael walking away after declaring that... "The polls are now open."

Sierra shook her head. "Everyone out of here." When they didn't move even an inch, she howled with fangs bared and she snarled. "NOW!" She roared and they all bolted out at the sight of her rage.

Sierra sighed and she did a sort of magic medical scan to see if he had any serious injuries, any that were internal and couldn't be seen.

"Si? Why the hell are you still sitting here?" He asked very quietly and she chuckled a little bit at him, as she was shaking her head and she helped him to sit up.

"I'm half witch, Jed. I know some healing spells. Just hold still and I can put some into practice." She said as he chuckled a little, before he winced and she shook her head at his facial expression. "Ribs?" She asked and he nodded.

Her hand lit up with a green and golden glow, as she hovered it over his ribs to try and see where exactly the worst of his injuries were. "Left side floating ribs." Jed muttered and she looked at him, as she sighed and he was shaking a little.

"All right. Take a deep breath." Sierra murmured and Jed took a shaky deep breath and he sighed with relief. "You feeling better now?" She asked and he nodded at her words.

"The werewolves made a deadly mistake casting you out and shunning you for so long." Jed said and she held out her hand to him, and Jed accepted the hand up. "Any chance you could leave the battle scars?" He asked and she chuckled softly.

"I only healed the things that would take longer than six or seven hours to heal with your wolf healing." She said and tossed him a hoodie, as Jed took it with a chuckle. "Don't worry Jed, your face is still beaten to hell and back."

That caused both of them to laugh a bit, before Jed winced a little and she smiled a little. "You are still the Beta of the pack." He reminded her as she nodded slightly and he opened his arms a little. "I'm not the alpha anymore, but you still have your rank in the pack. Keep it." He said and she sighed, before she nodded slightly and accepted the hug in silence.

"Thanks for letting me in." Sierra murmured and Jed shook his head a little bit, as he rested his chin on the top of her head briefly.

"I didn't let you into the pack, I didn't let you into anything. You let me into a part of your past that was terrifying to you, a dark past that you would much rather die then go back to. You gave up the most painful secrets that you had and in return, I treated you just as badly as I treated the rest of the pack here." Jed murmured and she shook her head.

"It doesn't matter anymore Jed. But Jed, if you ever need someone to help you out with knowing how to act like a lone wolf... I might just be the only expert in the school." She murmured and Jed chuckled a little, as he sighed.

"I know who to go to, if I need that kind of advice." Jed said and Sierra nodded a bit as he flipped up his hood and he swiftly walked away, and he was limping a little bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2022 ⏰

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