|Chapter VII|

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"Maybe, maybe, not. But there is definitely one rule for everybody in here right now, to know about me." Jayden said, loud enough to be heard, but not loud enough to be shouting at anyone since in a room full of kids with otherworldly ability, shouting was not an option that needed to be explored.

Especially since there was a teen werewolf currently growling at him and he was not eager to risk a newer werewolf turning in the middle of a crowded room full of werewolves and witches, but also vampires as well.

"I don't take crap from anyone or anything. I don't care if you can breathe fire, vamp around or have a toxic bite in your fangs. You guys feel on top of the world right now, I know. But whoever the alpha is in this school, you still have to report to me. My pack protects this school." Jayden said coldly and Jed tried to take a swipe at him and Jayden caught his clawed hand by the wrist. Jed's eyes widened at his fast reflexes. "You won't be able to hit me... kid." Jayden said and Jed's eyes glowed. "Okay then. Someone get him into the transition chamber now, before he ends up trying to hurt me and instead, hurting anyone who isn't his actual target. Go and cool off Jed." He said.

The werewolf was snarling sharply and when it appeared like a whole pack of werewolves was going to be needed to subdue and move Jed into the chamber, Jayden sighed. "Aco nim perdat du." He said and Jed collapsed, as if he had been hit on the head from behind and everyone stared at him.

"I'm not just an alpha werewolf. Now go and get him into the cell before he wakes up trying to get vengeance." He said and the werewolves grabbed Jed and carried him down the stairs.

"Nicely done. Eliminating the potential for a threat and not killing the kid." Alaric noted and Jayden looked over his shoulder at Alaric, noting that Jayden himself was taller than Alaric.

"I was seriously, seriously very tempted to kill him, Ric and this is most certainly not the first time for something like this either. Can't I get someone to challenge him? All he does is make sure that everyone in the pack does his homework for him. The day I see him do a piece of homework himself, is the day that I will start aging again, I swear." Jayden grumbled under his breath and Alaric was now laughing, openly laughing at the irritated adult. "What?" Jayden snapped and he growled, as Alaric raised his eyebrows at him.

"Fangs." Alaric warned and Jayden sighed, and from his irritation, he felt his werewolf fangs suddenly protruding up from his gums and Jayden sighs, as he focused and the fangs shrunk back down into normal and thankfully they are now noticeably human teeth rather than his wolf fangs that dripped with venom or his thinner, sharper vampire teeth that didn't drip venom, but could drain anyone in less than a few seconds.

"I would challenge the stupid brat myself. But that would only be if I didn't have two very clear and very strong extra advantages coursing through my veins already." Jayden murmured and he looked at the tattoos on his arms and one of them was a set of fangs dripping with blood, the other one was a wolf and the third was a swirl of magic around a charm and it was white sparkles and blue, which stood out against his dark skin.

"Also you are nearly at this point more than twice his age." Alaric reminded him and Jayden grumbled a bit at his words before he nodded slightly, to indicate it as a true fact. Jayden looked past Alaric and spotted his little sister Hope, who walked over and she opened her arms.

Jayden smiled and he hugged his little half-sister, who was a full 16 years his junior, despite only looking as of this year about 8 years younger than him. "How is it going, Hope?" He asked and she was shrugging a bit, as Jayden felt a tap on his arm. "What's up Gilbert?" Jayden asked and he turned around, smiling once he had spotted Jeremy standing there.

"A rogue and unstable werewolf pack has been slaughtering a lot of both the farm animals and quite a few pets out in the countryside last night. But whoever is doing it this wild pack attacked a small group of humans last night. Are you in for the hunt?" Jeremy asked and Jayden hesitated, as he turned to look at Hope, who nodded.

"All right. Keep the stupid poisonous wolfsbane in the sealed Tupperware containers until we find them. Deal?" Jayden stated and Jeremy nodded, as Jayden vamped to the armory, to his room and back until he had a backpack and a duffel bag, both rather unceremoniously filled with all sorts of weapons. "We are leaving!" Jayden called out.

"Good luck!" Alaric called out after them and Jayden snorted quietly, as he shouldered the duffel bag and the others all moved to the sides to let Jayden and Jeremy pass as they got to Jeremy's vehicle and they threw the stuff in the back of the vehicle.

"Did you call her? To come and to help us out with this?" Jayden asked and Jeremy sighed at his words, as he tossed the weapons and bags into the back of the vehicle.

"We're taking a break. All the hunting and stuff got in between it and- we decided that it would just be the best for the kids if we did. I haven't seen her in months, man. I don't think that she would come to help if I called." Jeremy said and he got into the driver's seat, and Jayden looked at him. "Just... stop looking at me like that, man. She asked for time." Jeremy said and Jayden shook his head at him.

"You're sure that it had nothing to do with-" Jayden knew full-well that when he started the unspoken sort of question, that he wouldn't get to even finish it.

"Screw you for even thinking of that. We got past that crap a long time ago... a very, very long time ago." Jeremy snapped and Jayden went silent at that, as Jeremy drove off and Jayden leaned against the window as they drove.

"So, Jer, where exactly are we going?" Jayden asked Jeremy, who was smiling a little.

"Have you ever been to Denver in your long life?" Jeremy asked and in a brief playful moment, Jayden sighed at the reminder, as Jeremy grinned at him and he gently punched Jayden's upper arm. "Come on man! It is just us guys and we are back on the road together. Years later, but still the same!" Jeremy crowed and Jayden sighed at his best friend's excitement, and as much as he wanted to suppress the smile that was coming from seeing Jeremy again, he couldn't stop the smile and Jeremy was laughing at the sudden smile.

"Of course I've been to Denver. I had to help rescue you from my Uncle Kol, remember? I think that you still owe me for that one." Jayden joked and Jeremy playfully scowled, making a face at the mention of the Original Vampire, who had once pretended to be Jeremy's friend for a while in order to keep tabs on him for Klaus, the Original that happened to be Jayden's father and of course, one of the two Original Hybrids.

"I honestly thought that we were long past that!" Jeremy joked, and Jayden chuckled, as Jeremy pulled over into a gas station to fill up the vehicle before they started to head out of Virgina and onto the long road to Denver.

"I have better eyesight at night. I still say that we keep on driving in the night. We will make better time of it." Jayden said and Jeremy was collecting snacks and food that they could eat cold and dropping it onto the counter, as the cashier rang up the bill for them.

"I don't agree. I mean, I do for sure agree that you have good, great eyesight in the dark, yes, but I don't agree that we should keep driving... Hey, what's up?" Jeremy asked, and Jayden had stopped putting his arguments forward and he looked like his nose was in pain.

"Vampire." If it wasn't for Jeremy's hearing being so keen within a close range, then he never would've heard what Jayden had said to him.

Jayden went outside and Jeremy paid the bill, before he followed him with a stake in his hand that had been hidden in the sleeve of his jacket.

Jeremy spotted a shape whirling around in a pack of twelve vampires and to his slight shock, the vampires were being taken down two at a time and Jeremy laughed at the sight, and a familiar face to the two of them was looking at the two of them, after the vampires were dead by her hand and she raised her eyebrows at the two while Jayden was chuckling at the sight of her.

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