fifty three

559 13 2

In the morning the crew shows up at John B's. They all wanted to make sure he was still alive. Big John is more than happy to see them all.

John B explains where he's been, "Yeah, yeah, so we, um... we went to the archives in Charleston, and, uh... it was... it was a dead end. A dry hole. So..."

"So that's the gold, the cross, and now El Dorado," Pope states. "We're three-for-three, guys. The streak continues."

The crew heads their separate ways. I think we were all hoping for better news from John B. Something just seems off with John B.

"We're together, right?" I ask him.

John B nods. "Yeah."

"So that means we always tell each other the truth," I state.

"Maisie, I am telling the truth," John B tells me. I don't know that I believe him. "What, you think I'm... I'm lying? Is that what you think?"

"No, I... No, no, it's just..." I take a breath. "The story that you told us isn't really adding up. You guys get the Twinkie and go off to Charleston without telling anyone, and I'm just trying to understand why. If there's anything that you can't tell the others, you can tell me."

John B nods. "Mmm."

"Look, look at me," I tell him. "What happened? You've just been acting so off since your dad got back. What happened?"

"Yeah?" John B asks.

"Yes, John B. It's me," I tell him. "I'm on your side."

"Okay, Maisie, you know what happened?" John B asks. "My dad came back. And he's trying to help all of us. And meanwhile, your dad tried to kill you. And I'm sorry that you can't deal with that."

I look at him in disbelief.

"Am I wrong?" John B asks.

"Call me when you wanna tell the truth, JB," I tell him before walking away.

I head to Kie's house. If I can't stay at John B's I need somewhere to go. Through the window I can see her talking to her parents. I knock on the door. Kie is the one to open it.

"Hey, sorry, I don't mean to bother if this is a bad time," I tell her.

"No, you're good," Kie tells me.

"Okay. Um..." I start.

"What's going on?" Kie asks.

"John B and I kind of got into, like, a little fight," I tell her.

"Yeah, he's been acting so gripped since his dad got back," Kie says.

"Yeah, and basically, I don't have anywhere to stay, and Rafe's at Tannyhill, and I was just wondering, like, maybe I could stay here with you?" I ask.

"Yeah. Of course," Kie tells me.

Mr. Carrera shakes his head. "Hey, hey. No. What did we talk about, Kie? Boundaries."

"Honey. Come on. You got to try and respect our time," Mrs. Carrera tells Kie. "We're trying to respect yours, right?"

"Listen, Maisie, I'm sorry. You're always welcome here, but come tomorrow," Mr. Carrera tells me. "Right now, we just need some family time."

I nod. "It's fine. Yeah. No, I understand."

"I'm sorry," Kie tells me.

"Um, I'll probably just hit up JJ or something," I state.

"I'll see you later," Kie tells me.

Well I tried to hit up JJ. I have no idea where he is. Sarah isn't there either. The house isn't even unlocked since there's an eviction notice on the door.

smooth seas//john bWhere stories live. Discover now