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I can hear the hurricane warning alarms outside. Hurricane Agatha is headed right for the island. I spend the night at Tannyhill instead of John B's. I love those guys to death but with a hurricane barreling towards the island I'd rather be in a house I know isn't going to fall down around me.

The next morning there are trees down and things thrown around the backyard. I can only imagine what the other side of the island looks like. I know they don't have power, since the only thing keeping ours on is the generator.

I stand by the pool as a worker fishes out one of my mom's statues.

"Be careful with that. Rose is gonna kill me," Ward states.

The worker nods. "Yes, sir, Mr. Cameron."

"I don't wanna know how much it cost," Dad states.

"Dad, the Wi-Fi's not working. I can't post anything," Wheezie complains.

"Wheezie, there was a hurricane, sweetheart," Dad reminds her.

"No. No, no, no!" Sarah shouts as she waves a tennis racket at birds.

Dad looks at me. "What is your sister doing?"

"Saving mice," I state.

"I'm sorry. Sarah!" Dad shouts. He walks towards Sarah with a woman on his tail.

I head to Kie's house. The guys are coming to pick us up to spend the day out in the marsh.

I smile as I walk down the dock towards her. "Agatha did some work, huh?" I remark.

"Yeah, she did," Kie agrees.

"I hope John B made out okay," I admit.

Kie smiles. "It's John B all he needs is a roof without to many holes in it."

I chuckle. "And a beer or two."

Kie holds up a cooler. "Which is why I have this."

"Always a great mom, making sure we have snacks," I joke.

John B, JJ, and Pope roll up in the Pogue.

"Oh, top o' the mornin' to ya," JJ greets.

"Good morning," I say.

"Morning," John B replies.

"Whatcha got?" JJ asks.

"You got some juice boxes?" Pope questions.

"You know, just some yogurts and carrot sticks," Kie teases.

JJ helps her into the moving boat. "How about my kind of juice box?"

"Yeah," Kie says.

"Brace for impact," John B jokes as he holds out his hand for me to take.

Kie puts down the cooler and pulls out beers. I cheers mine with JJ. "Salud."

"Skoal," JJ says.

"Bet you can't do this," JJ says. We all laugh. "Tell the world. A party trick." I shake my head as he steps up onto the bow. "Hey, Pope. Can you go a little faster?"

"Here we go. I'm movin'," John B says as he moves behind Pope.

"Right behind you," I say as I follow after him. "JJ it doesn't work. We've tried this like 6,000 times."

"I got this. It's gonna work!" JJ shouts. He holds the beer bottle up to his mouth trying to get the wind to take it there.

"Oh, my God. You're getting beer in my hair!" Kie shouts.

"All right. All right!" Pope shouts.

"All right, you're done," John B states.

I laugh. "All right, stop."

smooth seas//john bWhere stories live. Discover now