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Like Big John said we leave at first light.

"That site's a whole day's walk," Big John tells us. "We gotta get up there before moonrise. If we miss the solstice, then all this was for nothing. So, listen, Maisie, I'm telling you right now, if you fall behind, I ain't waiting."

"Dad. Stop!" John B tells him.

"I ain't! What? I ain't. It's a matter of fact," Big John states.

"Sorry about the cranky old man," John B tells me.

My father uses a crutch to wabble towards us.

"I'm gonna go tell that son of a bitch he ain't coming," Big John says.

"Dad, hey," John B says.

"Hey, listen, fellas. I'm real sorry, but, uh... I'm not gonna be able to make it up that mountain, not on this leg," Dad tells us. "I'd be slowing you down, that's all. So I'm just gonna hang here. Tell you what, I got a flare gun. If I see Singh come through here, I'll send up a flare. Let you all know he's coming. Least I can do."

"Thank you," I tell him.

"You're welcome," Dad says. "Good luck."

John B and I start to walk down the dock towards the mountains. After a moment Big John joins us.

"Let's go. Come on," John B says.

The hike is exhausting. We better find the gold after this.

"Come on, kids. Pick it up!" Big John shouts. "I don't got time to waste."

We keep hiking for hours. It's hard work making it through the jungle.

"Come on. Maisie," Big John tells me.

"Hey. Are you good?" I ask John B.

"Yeah," John B tells me.

"Come on, let's get a move on!" Big John shouts.

"Hey, Pop. How about we take a breather, you know?" John B says,

"How about not?" Big John tells him.

"Come on, boy. You're both slowing me down," Big John tells us. "We're losing light."

John B stops walking. "I can't take this anymore."

"It's the only shot we got," Big John says. "Come on."

John B catches up to his father. I can hear part of their conversation.

"You think she's spying on you?" John B asks.

"Are you really so sure about her?" Big John asks. "A Cameron. That whole family is trust-challenged, and you know that."

"Mm-hmm. You've known MC since she was ten," John B reminds him.

"You can stay back here and babysit your girlfriend," Big John says. "It's your choice. I'll see you at the top."

I walk to catch up to John B.

"Sorry. Camerons aren't really a hiking family if I'm being honest," I tell him.

"Sorry about him," John B says, apologizing for his dad. "He gets a little obsessive over the treasure."

"And you don't?" I counter.

John B laughs. "Stop."

I laugh. "Let's go. Come on. Okay."

We make it to the top of the hill we've been climbing up.

"Whoo-hoo! Come on. Take a look at this," Big John tells us.

"Sorry. I had to catch my breath," I tell him.

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