First day

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Kiara POV

I hopped into my mom's warm car. The summer heat still loomed as we drove to school only a few miles from my house. When we got to the parking lot, I saw a familiar car, John B's van. Pope must have taken it. As I saw it I was flooded with memories of him and Sarah. It was almost like John B was with us. But I caught myself before the grief overcame me and remembered that a new year means a new me. 

"Have a nice day sweetie." My mom said as I left the car. 

I put on a fake smile As I walked into school. I recognized kids' faces, but couldn't place names. Many of them were at John B and Sarah's memorials. I was never good at making friends, girl friends to be precise. I did see one girl I knew, Luisa. 

Luisa was lived close to John B. We didn't hang out with her much this summer, I wish we did though. She is funny and nice. I hope we can be friends this year. 

I tapped her on the shoulder, making her quickly turn around. Her light brown braids flew as she turned.

"Oh Kiara, it's so good to see you. How are you?" She said as he gave me a warm embrace. She was shorter than me, but made up for it with confidence. 

I hugged her back as I felt the pity from a mile away. "I'm good, but not ready for school to start." I said jokingly. That was a lie. I couldn't wait for a change in scenery. I was so ready to start, even if it was school.

"Thats great. I think we have the same first class together, honors biology. Right?" She asked. 

"Yeah." I replied. We went to our first class, and chatted for a while in the back, while our teacher went over the syllabus. We talked about our summers, leaving out the John B stuff. I hoped to see Pope or JJ, but Pope is probably in AP Biology, and JJ in regular. 

I hadn't seen either by lunch, so  I sat with Luisa. She introduced me to some of her friends. They seemed nice, normal a fresh start. 

After finishing the mediocre lunch I threw away my tray and spotted Pope. He was sitting in a corner with some boys. I waved at him and he gave a half smile. I signaled to come over, at first he seemed hesitant but solemnly agreed.

"I've been looking for you everywhere." I remarked.

"yeah, I've just been busy with class and stuff." He replied as the conversation became awkward.

"I mean, how are you? I feel like I haven't seen you in ages." I asked wanting to be sincere.

"Im okay." He said with a forced smile. He fidgeted with his hands looking down.

Seeing Pope brought back emotions I had been suppressing all summer. "I missed you, all of us." I said with a tear coming down my face that I quickly tried to wipe away.

"I know, but it'll work out." He reassured as he gave me a comforting hug. 

"Where's JJ? You are still living together right?" I asked.

"Uh yeah, but he's been in and out." Pope said looking at his feet.

"What do you mean?"

"One day he will be fine and happy, and the next he won't come out of his room. Like today." 

"Oh, I see." I say quietly.

"Do you want to come over after school, I think seeing you would be good for him. A sense of normality." 

"yeah for sure." I was cut off by the bell. 

The rest of the day went by fast. Luisa even invited asked if I wanted to go with her to the party at the boneyard. I said maybe, but they wouldn't be the same without John B.

After school I met with Pope and we drove to his house. In John B's van.

"How did you get this?" I asked.

"I was being sent to the scrapyard, so I asked and got it for free." He replied.

"It's almost like I can still smell JJ's pot." I said.

"Probably because he smokes in here all the time." Pope says as we laughed.

We get to his house and went to JJ's room. I knocked on his closed door. 

"Who is it?" JJ called.

"Kiara and Pope." I say as I slowly open his door. He was sat on a beanbag in the corner.

I looked at Pope giving a signal to leave us be as I sat on the bed.

"What's up? How was school?" He asked.

"It was actually pretty good. You should come tomorrow." I said.

"Uh, maybe." He replied.

"JJ, I'm gonna be straight forward with you, I miss the old days, and I know John B is gone, but doesn't mean we stop our lives."

"How do you expect me to go to school, when everything reminds me of him." 

"We just have too, It's what he would want." I grabbed his hand, and stood him up. "There is a party tonight, let's go." I suggested.

"I guess one party wouldn't hurt." JJ said. "lemme change out of my pj's first."

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