Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

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Kiara POV

A few days after John B's birthday, and we had all calmed down. As school was ending I was by my locker when Luisa came up to me.

"Hey, a few friends and I are having a sleepover this weekend if you wanna come." She invited.

"Yeah, of course." I accepted. I gave her a big smile and went on my way. It was really nice to have girlfriends. This reminded me of Sarah. We were not the closest of friends, when she went missing. I do regret not saying goodbye to her. I know she would have done great things with her life. I hadn't heard much about the Cameron family, but I did know somethings. Ward and Rose got a divorce. Ward moved out of outer banks to inland North Carolina. Rafe lived on the island, but i'm not sure where. Rose and Wheezie lived together at Tannyhill. I'd been meaning to visit Wheezie for a while now. She lost her whole family, and I thought giving her support would be good for both of us. I decided to go visit her that day. 

As I pulled up to Tannyhill, I thought of the summers events. I hadn't been here since Sarah and I were friends. We used to hang out here all the time, but that was a long time ago. I knocked at the big white front doors. A few minutes later Rose answered the door. I could tell she was surprised to see me.

"Oh, Kiara what are you doing here?" She asked.

"I was wondering if Wheezie was home." I responded.

"Yeah she is, come on in." She opened the door wider as I stepped in. The house seemed much bigger with less people living in it. "How are you honey, can I get you something to drink?" She asked. 

"I'm okay." Rose was the sweetest I don't know how she could marry such a horrible man. 

"Well Wheezie's in the back by the pool. Do you want me to show you the way?" 

"No I remember." 

"Well if you need anything i'll be upstairs." She said as she started up the stairs.

I walked through the house to the pool. I opened the door stepping outside and saw her sitting at a table doing her homework. As soon as she saw me she stood up and walked towards me.

"Kiara what are you doing here?" She asked.

I stretched out my arms. "I wanted to see you." 

She smiled widely going into my arms. We held each other for a good 20 seconds. 

"Come sit." She offered. I sat next to her on the table. 

"How are you, you're in 8th grade right ?" I asked.

"Yeah, i'm okay. I have a lot of homework though." She said pointing at it.

"Do you want to take a break and get some Ice cream." I insisted.

"Yeah that sounds great." We went to the Ice cream shop. It wasn't far from her house. She got mint, and I got cookies and cream. Since it was off season it was pretty empty. We sat inside and talked for a while. She told me she started volleyball, and about middle school. I told her that i'm dating JJ. She was glad to hear it. I tried not to talk about Sarah because I didn't want to upset her, but as I drove her home she said. "You remind me a lot of her."

"You mean Sarah." 

She nodded. "Thanks for today. Most of my friends think my family is crazy, and won't hang out with me." She admitted.

"Wheezie, you are always welcome in my house. If you ever need to talk i'm here." 

We pulled up at her house. As she got out she said. "Tomorrow night I have a volleyball game, if you wanna come."

"I'll be there." I smiled and headed to Pope and JJ's place. When I got there I found them watching tv in the living room. I sat next to JJ on the couch. He put his arm around me as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Where did you go after school?" Pope asked.

"I went to Tannyhill to see Wheezie."

"Oh, how is she?"

"I think she's okay considering the circumstances." I responded. "She has a volleyball game tomorrow night, we should all go."

"Sick, I'm down." JJ said. He kissed me forehead, and I curled up next to him as all three of us watched Rick and Morty. 

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