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𝐈 𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 in the bed, rubbing my eyes with my left hand as I yawned. I went to sit up, but an arm draped around my waist stopped me. Confused, I followed the arm and saw who's it was. My stomach did a somersault when I saw Rafe asleep next to me. I blushed lightly as he started to stir and I started to worry that I woke him up. "Morning," He mumbled, his voice rough as he pushed his messy hair back.

"Morning," I stammered back, slightly embarrassed that he was seeing me in my state. My hair was a mess and I had dried mascara under my eyes. "What time is it," I asked as I tried to make myself presentable.

Rolling over, he grabbed his phone off of the side table, "Eleven-fifteen," He told me and my eyes widened. I had a shift in fifteen minutes and I couldn't be late.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit!" I muttered as I threw off the covers and hopped out of his comfy bed. The shirt that I was wearing, his shirt, fell to my knees as I grabbed my clothes off the floor. Before you ask, I don't sleep and tell.

"What's wrong?" He asked in a panic tone, now fully awake.

"I have a shift at twelve-thirty and I can't be late," I told him as I slipped on the pair of jeans from the night before. Still standing in his room, I pulled off his t-shirt, leaving me in my bra before I threw on the crew neck sweater. "Do you have a toothbrush I can use," I asked him and he nodded before making his way out of his room quickly.

A minute later he came back, his arms loaded with hygiene products. "Here," He said as he passed me the items and I walked into the bathroom. Dropping the stuff on the counter, I grabbed the toothbrush and unpackaged it before adding the toothpaste and running it under some water.

I brushed my teeth as I looked at all the other items he had grabbed. I have no clue if he panic grabbed or took time to find all of these, but he grabbed everything I needed. Two minutes later, I spit in the sink and rinsed it out as well as my mouth.

I grabbed the hairbrush and started combing my hair, trying to tame it. Then I grabbed the deodorant and sprayed it under my arms. A knock sounded on the door as Rafe called, "Eleven-twenty," I splashed water on my face and used the towel to get rid of any makeup that wasn't where it was supposed to be, before adding a bit of face cream.

I opened the door of the bedroom to see Rafe in a pair of sweatpants and a sweater. "I think I'm all set," I told him and I followed him out of his room. Before we could get to the staircase, Rose walked out of the kitchen, glass in hand.

"Rafe, you're up late," She called and he pushed me back into his room, "Did you want some breakfast?"

"I--um, later. I just need to go somewhere, I'll be back soon," I heard him say through the door.

"Okay, be quick. You're father's looking for you," She answered before the door swung open again.

"Come on," Rafe whispered as he grabbed my hand, pulling me down the stairs behind him. He led me out to his truck and I got into the passenger seat. The car roared to life and we pulled out of the driveway, 11:25 on the clock.

Carefully, but quickly, Rafe drove through the streets of Figure Eight, trying to get me to my job on time. The sky was bright and already starting to get humid as we continued our drive. Many people were up, some walking their dogs or trying to stay fit by running or walking.

We pulled into the country club parking lot at exactly 11:28. "Thank you so much, you're a lifesaver," I praised as I reached for the door handle, but before I got out of the car, I kissed him softly on the kips.

"I'll see you later?" He asked as I pulled away, 11:29 on the clock.

"Of course," I replied as I shut the door. I ran away from the car, as he pulled away from the curb. I said a quick 'Good morning' as I sprinted past Thomas and towards the concession stand. I pulled open the door and as expected, Maggie was waiting for me, apron in hand.

𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐒 𝐒𝐎 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 ➝ 𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now