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i tried to lock the car doors to keep Rafe contained, but he was already out and creeping along the tarmac behind the plane.

i didn't know whether to stay or follow, but i ended up doing the latter, sneaking after him.

he reached the back of the plane and turned to face me, pressing a finger to his lips.

i narrowed my eyes.

"stay here," he hissed, a pleading undertone in his voice.

i shook my head.

Rafe cocked the gun, just as Peterkin did the same.

he twisted round the side of the plane and pulled the trigger.

Peterkin went still, then fell, and everyone's eyes flew to Rafe.

"what've you done?!" Sarah screamed.

"i saved you dad... i saved you." he grinned shakily, lowering the gun.

Sarah detached herself from John B and tried to run to Peterkin, but Rafe pointed the gun at her and John B.

"don't move!" Rafe yelled.

"put the gun down, Rafe." Ward rose slowly, hands raised.

Peterkin reached for her radio, trying to speak.

i reached down, trying—and failing—not to touch the blood, and pulled it off her, chucking it to the side.

Rafe still had the gun raised as Sarah and Ward walked towards him, trying to distract his as John B ran.

Rafe fired three shots after him, missing as John B careered through the long grass.

Ward wrestled the gun away from him, handing it back to me, as Sarah knelt by Peterkin.

"take Sarah back home," Ward said, kicking Sheriff Peterkin's gun away.

Rafe grabbed Sarah, dragging her kicking and screaming to my car.

i went in the back with her and Rafe drove, locking the doors.

Sarah and Rafe argued back and forth, and Rafe turned around in his seat, yelling at his sister. 

"you don't understand! i'm a proactive type of person, Sarah!" he shouted.

"watch it!" i reached forward and grabbed the wheel, narrowly missing a truck. "pull over."

Rafe and i swapped seats, and i drove to Tanny Hill.

Rose came rushing outside when she saw me.

"Juno? Rafe's not here—Sarah? why aren't you on the plane? and Rafe... what are you doing here?"

"Dad said i could come home," Rafe told her, heading inside.

"Juno, what's happened?" her eyes flew from Sarah to Rafe to me and my bloody hands.

"it's fine. Ward's sorting it out." i scratched the dried blood off.

Rose didn't look convinced at all, but we went indoors all the same.

Rafe and i took Sarah to her room.

"let go of me!" she yelled, wrenching her arms away.

"you're not going to tell anyone what happened, alright?" Rafe snarled.

Sarah said nothing.

"if you do, i'll fucking kill you." he stormed out.

Sarah looked pleadingly at me, and i realised it.

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