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just got back from the hospital x

you've already been to one

daddy said it wasn't good enough

what did they say

that i'm fine

we already knew that

daddy's just a bit over protective
sorry about him this morning :( x

no worries, i'd want to keep
my daughter safe too


what are you doing now?

Suri's coming over

no i don't want you seeing her

what? why?

i just don't ok

shes my friend

go see Topper



she's here now


i rolled my eyes and shut my phone off.

i didn't understand Rafe.

i didn't understand men.

Daddy wouldn't leave the hospital until he was certain that i'd be fine, and now Rafe didn't want me seeing one of my best friends?

Suri's pink Porsche purred down the driveway and parked next to my Merc.

i eased myself downstairs.

"oh, Juno!" Mom ran up the stairs and hooked her arm round my waist, making me lean on her.

"i don't need help," i rolled my eyes.

"i know you don't, babe, but it makes me feel better that i'm at least trying."

Suri knocked loudly on the door.

Mom finished helping me downstairs and guided me to the door, opening it for me.

"good morning, Suri. you're looking lovely, as usual. what is that, lip filler?" she flashed her pearly whites.

"oh, thank you, Dione! yes, i got it topped up yesterday." Suri smiled back.

"oh, you must give me the number of your surgeon!"

"of course-"

"dear god, anyone would think you were here to see Mom!" i interrupted.

Suri looked at me and gave me a sympathetic look.

"sorry, June. how are you feeling?"

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