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Topper and i followed Rafe's bike back to Tanny Hill.

the drive was uncomfortable and i gripped the steering wheel so hard my knuckles turned white.

"hey, chill out." Topper pulled a strand of my hair as we turned into the driveway.

"no," i snapped.

"everything's gonna be fine," he grinned. "i'm not going anywhere."

i raised my eyebrows and nodded as i stopped the car outside the front door.

Rafe climbed off his bike, opening the door for me and i got out of the car, ignoring the hand he offered.

"Dad called while i was driving." he informed me. "i've gotta call him back so just... hang around or something."

"i came here to pack." i reminded him.

"yeah, well i need to see what my Dad has to say." he shrugged.

"fine," i rolled my eyes. "do what you want."

i stormed inside, leaving Topper outside with Rafe.

i headed into the kitchen and made myself and iced coffee, slamming the cupboards and grumbling to myself.

after sitting at the counter for a while, i grew bored.

i got up and made another coffee, adding Rafe's favourite toppings; whipped cream and caramel sauce.

i headed back out to where Rafe and Top still bickered outside the front door.

"hey!" i yelled. "here you go," i held the coffee out.

"thanks," Rafe reached for it but i sidestepped him and handed it to Topper.

he raised his eyebrows and took a sip.

"god, Juno!" Rafe gritted his teeth. "would it kill you to stop being petty for two seconds?!"

"probably," i nodded my head, sipping my coffee.

Rafe took a deep breath, trying to control his anger.

"Dad told us to stay here." he told me.

"what?" my face dropped.

"yeah, nothing's funny now, is it." he snapped.

"he's not giving our fucking cross away! he can't!"

"he can," Rafe stormed inside. "and he is."

i handed Top my drink and followed my fiancé upstairs.

"well we've gotta stop him!"

"how?" he turned back to me as he reached our room. "there's nothing we can do."

i bit my lip. "there is something—but we couldn't do that..."


"it doesn't matter," i folded my arms. "it's crazy."

"i am crazy."

"no you're not, Rafe. you're just a bit... unhinged." i sighed.

"exactly," he pointed to me. "whatever your idea is, i've probably thought worse."

i was silent for a moment, wondering if i should say this out loud—how he would react.

"we could... get rid of him."

Rafe stared at me blankly for a good two minutes, unblinking, probably not even breathing.

probably thinking how on earth he could get rid of me.

"i told you it was crazy," i reminded him. "forget i said anything-"

"no no," his face remained impassive. "no, you're onto something, J."

"i am?" my eyes widened.

he nodded his head. "he's not gonna listen to us, whatever we do."

"you'd really kill your own Father?" i asked faintly.

"for five hundred million dollars?" he scoffed. "yes, June, i think i would."

oh, shit.

i really hadn't thought this one through.

"and what if it was me who wanted to give the cross away? would you kill me too?"

he took a step towards me, but this time i didn't flinch away.

"you're everything to me, J." he traced the line of my jaw. "i would kill myself a thousand times over before i consciously did anything to hurt you."

pretty words, i told myself, he's just telling you what you want to hear.

but something deep inside me knew he spoke the truth.

"i'm struggling, Rafe," i admitted. "i just feel so... empty—all the fucking time."

"hey," he wrapped his arms around me. "it's okay, you'll be okay."

i let out a shaky breath.

"i know it's not easy, i feel the same sometimes." he was silent for a long moment. "but i'm here. i'm always here for you."

"always?" i looked up at him slowly.

"always," he nodded.

i rested my head on his chest again and it felt like an immense weight had been lifted off my chest. "i thought you would be mad."

i felt him shake his head. "how could i be?"

"thank you," i whispered.

"no, thank you, June. i love you."

"i love you too," a tear rolled down my cheek and made a little wet patch on his shirt.

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