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Y/n woke up surprised at seeing JJ sitting on his phone peacefully while she lay in his lap.

"Sorry, guess I fell asleep," she said to him.
"It's fine I did too don't worry about it," he responded with a smile, "but you better get up, we slept in so late it's almost 3 pm."
"What?! We slept that long," Y/n said looking shocked.
"Well i've been up for a few hours but I didn't want to disturb you in your beauty sleep," he laughed.

Y/n shoved him playfully and got up.

"Well I better go get dressed and get my car working so we can go to the party tonight," Y/n stated about to walk out the door.
"You go get dress, i'll call John B and Pope to come help me fix up your car," JJ started, "Though I think Pope might still be trapped helping Kiara with her family."
"Ok fine, we'll hurry up let's go," she said, finally making her way out the door.

[Later that afternoon]

"You think this is good," JJ said looking at John B.
"Yeah I think it should've fixed it, go crank it up and test it out," John B replied.

JJ did as he was told and it was indeed working again.

"Ah thanks man for helping me," JJ said to John B.

"No problem man, but look I gotta bounce, me and Sarah are supposed to be on a date right now but I told her you needed some help real quick and I'd be right over," John B stated.

"Alright that's fine, thanks again man, see you later," JJ said and went out for the fist bump in which they connected their fists.

Y/n had just walked out the door as John B was leaving.

"Bye, thanks again," she yelled to him.

"No problem," he waved back.

Y/n turned to JJ.

"You got it working?" she asked.
"Indeed we did," he replied looking very proud of himself.
"Alright we'll I have some of your clothes you left in there when we went in the water the other day," she told him.
"Ok thanks, be right back," he said as he went to grab his clothes and went inside to change.

A few minutes later, JJ came out with his clothes on and they were ready to go. Y/n was driving of course since JJ didn't want to be caught dead driving up to a looks party.

[About an hour later]

It was around 8pm when JJ and Y/n had arrived.

"Welp here goes nothing," Y/n said as her and JJ left the car.

They walked up to the house only to see what seemed like thousands of people.

"I thought he said it was only supposed to be a few people," Y/n said.
"This doesn't look like a few people to me, come on let's just go home," JJ said as he turned to walk back to the car.
"Don't be ridiculous, come on," Y/n said grabbing his shirt and pulling him towards the house.

They walked up to the house and went to open the door when Rafe opened up and greeted them.

"Wow didn't think you guys would show," he said looking suprised.
"Yeah, we'll here we are," Y/n replied.
"So you gonna let us in or what," JJ said.
"Oh yeah right, uh come on in," Rafe said.

They entered the house. It was beautiful. It was like walking into a obx renaissance mansion.

"Nice house," Y/n said to Rafe.
"Thanks but it's not mine, It's Kelce's," he replied.
"Ah, and his parents are ok with you throwing a party here?" Y/n questioned.
"Yeah i'm sure they'd be fine with it... I mean if they knew of course, they're away for the weekend and we couldn't miss the opportunity to throw a party," he said.
"Of course," Y/n said.
"Hey do you guys have any drinks here," JJ asked.
"Yeah they're right up there in the kitchen," Rafe pointed down the hall.
"Thanks man," JJ said, still holding a grudge against the boy, "You want anything Y/n?"
"No thanks i'm good for now," she replied.
"Alright well i'll be back in a bit, depends on how many drinks I can actually find," JJ laughed.

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