AE | RAFE (Part 1)

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The Next Day

Y/n lay in her bed contemplating grabbing her phone. She tapped on it and it lit up her dim room.

2 Missed calls from: JJ
JJ: hey where are you?
JJ: hello?
JJ: Y/n are you okay?
JJ: I'm coming over to you're house.
JJ: Please answer me

Y/n turned her phone off and began to roll over until she heard her phone go off. She expected another message from JJ telling her he was there and then she would have to actually get up. But it was from Rafe.

Rafe: Hey, later can we talk? I'm really sorry for how I acted yesterday and I don't want you to feel bad... Just please meet me at the beach later?

Y/n thought on it and eventually texted back "okay..." as her response and turned back over.

2 minutes later JJ burst through the door.

"Y/N- I- oh... hey I didn't know if you were gonna be here," he said walking over to the bed.

He looked her in the eyes and she was crying.

"What's wrong babe?" he said pulling her into a hug.
She pushed him off, nothing but the feeling of guilt left in her body.
"JJ- I... I have to tell you something," she started.
"Go ahead," he said.
"That night... at the party... I kissed Rafe, but I didn't want to hurt you so I didn't tell you and he tried to come onto me yesterday at work but I pushed him off but... the look on his face made me feel even worse so I couldn't even imagine telling you what happened and hurting you two on the same day... so I just locked myself in my room," she finished, out of breath.
"Y/n slow down... look... I know you kissed Rafe," he said.
"What?," she asked, wiping away her tears.
"I tried to reassure myself but once I saw him get up I knew what was coming," he said looking down.
"I'm sorry i'm such a terrible person... I don't deserve you and you don't deserve all of this pain i've put you through," she said looking down as well.
"It hurts... but, when you love someone," he said pulling her head up to look him in the eyes, "you're happy as long as they are happy."
"But I am happy," she said, still feeling guilty for treating her best friend, HER BOYFRIEND, like this.
"Not as happy as you could be," he said. "Y/n I love you but I see how happy you are with Rafe and... and I don't want to hold you back from that feeling, no matter how much it hurts, I will still love you no matter what," he said.

She gave him the biggest hug in the world which lasted for what only seemed like 5 seconds which actually turned out to be 2 minutes.

"You're my best friend, and I support you no matter what, I don care that you kissed Rafe, but you didn't do it again after which shows you're true to your morals," he smiled.
"I love you," she said hugging him.

Finally when they pulled apart they did their secret handshake, of course.

"Best friends?," she said.
"Forever and always," he smiled, "now go, go get him," he said laughing.
"Oh yeah! right! uh- I'll- i'll see you later then?," she asked.
"Of course," he replied and they both left the house and parted ways.


When Y/n pulled up to meet Rafe for their talk, she noticed he was already sitting in the sand, admiring the ocean.

She smiled and walked over towards him and sat down next to the boy.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" she asked.
"Yeah it is," he said, looking at her smiling.

But his smile didn't last long as it faded into a saddened look.

"That's not why i'm here actually, I uhm...," he started.

"I'm sorry for everything, I'm sorry for how I treated you yesterday, at the party. I knew you had a boyfriend yet I tried to come onto you which is just wrong on my part and JJ doesn't deserve that, neither do you," he said.
"I'm sorry for making it seem like I was leading you on, I truly did love you both and I treated you both so wrongly I just- I feel like such a terrible person," she said.
"Well it doesn't matter, even after all that I still love you. But you have a boyfriend and I should respect boundaries," he smiled at her.
"Had," she said looking down.
"What?," he asked.
"I had a boyfriend... we decided we work better as the best friends duo than a couples trope you know...," she said looking back up at him.
"Are you okay?," he asked.
"YeahI- uhm... we both talked about everything and decided to stay besties", she finished.
"Wait so what does that mean for us?," he asked looking confused.

She smiled and crawled towards the boy, leaned in and kissed him, pure bliss filling her body.

"Whatever you want," she said pulling away and smiling.

He smiled back and pulled her towards him, kissing her roughly.

"I love you Y/n," he said one they departed lips.
"I love you too Rafe," she smiled and they once again began kissing as the sun began to set.

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