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Y/n woke up the next morning not really remembering what happened. She got up to see she was at JJ's house.

There he was. Standing in the kitchen. Looking as perfect as ever.

"Hey," she said as she walked towards him.
"Hey," he smiled and kissed her on her cheek.
"So... what happened last night," she laughed.
"Well, i'm guessing you were a bit too drunk to remember, but you got sick and were in the bathroom for a while, you said you were fine tho so I went downstairs. But apparently you weren't and Rafe found you throwing up and brought you down to me and offered to take you home, but I told him I could take it from here and took you here," he smiled.
"Oh, sorry I had to ruin your night, I know you were looking forward to that party," she said as all her memories came flooding back to her, making her feel even worse.
"No worries, any night with you is amazing," he grinned at her.

She smiled back and the couples lips connected to share a passionate kiss.

This kiss was interrupted by y/n softly pushing him off.

"Oh no, what time is it," she said looking at the clock worriedly.


"Oh no I have to be at work in 15 minutes," she yelled as she grabbed a brush and started brushing her hair as well as getting herself ready.
"I can take you if you want, but take as long as you want, I don't want to get rid of you this quick," he smiled looking her up and down.

She smiled and rolled her eyes as she finished up.

They both ran outside to get into JJ's car.

"You better slam your foot on the gas right now, if we wanna make it there in 5 minutes," she said.
"Trust me, I can get you there on time," he smiled as he started driving at an alarming speed.
"Oh God," she said.

[A few minutes later]

JJ pulled up at the country club as quick as he could and slammed on breaks, sending both him and Y/n forward but thankfully they had their seatbelts on.

"Jeeze JJ, didn't know you meant you were gonna try to kill us when you said you would get us here on time," she said getting out of the car.
"I wouldn't kill you baby," he laughed and winked.

She walked over to his door, "see you this afternoon then," she said resting her head on his door, smiling.
"See you tonight," he replied as they shared a kiss through window of the door and departed as y/n went to work and he drove off.

Y/n couldn't help but feel guilty about last night, although she could blame the drinks, she still betrayed JJ once again, so she decided it would be best if she limited herself from Rafe. And maybe one day she could tell JJ what happened, but she didn't want to hurt him right now so she let it go as she walked inside.

"Ah just the person i'm looking for," a voice said as she walked through the door.

Y/n looked up, knowing exactly who the voice belonged to.

"So what's my lovely lady doing on this fine morning," he said.
"Rafe i'm not your lovely lady, and what are you doing here," she asked.
"I'm here to see you, obviously, come on have a drink with me," he said pulling her over to the bar.
"Rafe, I have to get to work. Besides, JJ wouldn't like me having a drink with you anyways," she replied walking away from the boy.
"You didn't seem to care of what he thought about me last night," he said, pulling her back to him.
"Rafe I was drunk," she yelled.
"Drunk or not it still meant something didn't it," he said wrapping around her and breathing on her neck, giving her goosebumps.

But she didn't let it get to her and nudged him off.

"Rafe, I- I can't do this, we can't be together," she said, feeling said for both him and JJ.

He got off of her with a look of hurt on his face.

"So that's it," he said.
"I-i'm sorry," she said as tears formed in her eyes.
"It's fine," he said walking off as tears swelled up in his eyes as well.

I'm the worst person ever, I said I chose JJ and still got with Rafe and now i'm pretty much keeping secrets from JJ and I just hurt Rafe, I-, she thought to herself.

She went to the bathroom to calm herself down. What had she done. If she was being honest, she still really loved Rafe. Whether or not she was with him. But as she once said before she loved JJ. She knew she would have to set things right, but how? Tell JJ that she went back to Rafe again, tell Rafe that she still loved him but hurt him even more than she had right now?

She finally knew what she had to do, so she went out to work and kept to herself the rest of the day.

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