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JJ arrived just on time to pick up Y/n.

"Hey, you ready," he asked.
"Of course," she began, "are we meeting john b and them there or are they going to ride with us?"
"We are gonna meet them there, but we gotta hurry, they said it's already starting to get crowded," he replied.
"Gotcha," she said as they exchanged a kiss before he opened the door for her to get into the car.
"Such a gentleman," she blushed.
"Only for you," he grinned.

On the way there, Y/n decided it would be best to tell JJ what Rafe had said to her earlier that day.

"Hey JJ, there's something I have to talk to you about actually," she said.
"Hit me," he said, not looking away from the road.
"Well... uh... today I talked to someone at work and they said some things you won't be to happy with," she said.
"Who? What is it?," he asked.
"Rafe came by my work today," Y/n said.
"Rafe came to talk to you?!" he said looking at her, nearly driving off the road.

Y/n yanked the steering wheel back into place so they didn't crash.

"JJ!," she yelled, "Pay attention!"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, let me get this straight, Rafe came up there today and said something I wouldn't like... What did he say?" Y/n said.
"He uhm...," Y/n started as she played the situation she was in right now through her mind.
"Oh nothing, he was just angry that's all, ha, nothing to be worried about. Just bought i'd let you know," she fake smiled, feeling guilty inside.
"Oh ok, well don't mind him, as long as your with me, i'll protect you," he said looking back at the road.

Y/n smiled as he smiled back, though the overwhelming pain of guilt still followed her.

When they finally arrived at the party they realized John B was right, it was getting pretty crowded.

JJ walked over to Y/n's door and opened it.

"After you m'lady," he said.

She smiled at him.

She got out of the car as they walked hand in hand towards the entrance. Along the way they were burdened with a familiar face. It was Rafe.

He looked down at their hands and rolled his eyes and laughed, the interaction causing Y/n's grip to strengthen on JJs hand.

"It'll be fine, don't worry about him," JJ said.
"Yeah, it'll all be fine," Y/n fake smiled.

They continued to walk in the house and somehow amongst the huge crowd they were able to meet up with their friends.

"It honestly surprises me that you guys even found us," Pope said as he saw the two approaching them.
"You're not the only one," Y/n said back to him.
"How long have you guys been here?," JJ asked.
"About half an hour," Sarah replied.
"Not too long," Kiara imputed.
"Well what are we waiting for let's go get some drinks," JJ said putting his arm around Y/n to guide her to drinks.
"Got anything fun planned for us tonight?" John B asked no one in particular.
"Uhm obviously, I always come prepared with the best games to play at a party," JJ laughed.

Y/n smiled looking up at him.

Finally they arrived to the supplier of the drinks. They each grabbed one cup and chugged it like it was nothing, then grabbed another and walked off.

"What kind of games?" Y/n grinned at JJ.
"I'm so glad you asked M'lady. Game number one: Cup pong," JJ replied.
"Oh no, the one game I suck at," Y/n said.
"It's alright baby you got me," JJ winked and smooched his lips out.
"Get a room," Kiara said.

They all laughed and went outside to set up the game.

Finally they got the game sat up and a good amount of players surrounding the table.

JJ was the first to throw the ball in which he made it of course and everyone yelled with excitement.

"See," he said looking at Y/n, "I gotchu baby," he winked.

Y/n found herself blushing harder than what she thought was possible.


"And that's the wonderful ending of tonight's first game," JJ said, bowing as he had just gotten the victory in cup pong for himself and Y/n.

Y/n clapped and smiled at him.

"So what do you want to play now?" he asked Y/n.
"Uhm i'm not sure, do you guys have any ideas," she said turning to her friends.
"We could play truth of dare," Pope commented.
"Nah, we need something that everyone can gather around and play, that seems difficult," JJ replied.
"We could go to the basement since there's more room," Sarah said.
"Good idea, wait so are we playing truth or dare," Y/n asked.
"Nah we need something to spice it up," John B replied.
"We could play spin the bottle," Kiara suggested, "but I mean you can always tap out.
"What do you think Y/n?," JJ asked.
"I uhm- That's fine," Y/n replied, scared of the consequences but did understand she could always tap out.
"Great, now i'll announce it," JJ said as he got up to stand on the nearest table.
"JJ get down," Y/n scolded but it was too late.

The pouge friends laughed and headed downstairs, JJ grabbing Y/n's hand to guide her down the stairs.

A medium size crowd followed them downstairs and sat in a circle around an empty bottle of beer JJ had managed to get and bring downstairs.

Finally, once everyone had found their seats, Y/n looked around the room to see the group of people.

She made sure to look at every face individually to see who all she knew, she had known every face she had looked upon so far. Specifically the one she stopped on. It was Rafe again. With that, JJ announced that the game had begun.

A/n: Hope u guys enjoyed this chapter, haha left you guys on a little cliff hanger;)) I feel like it's always at the parties, but yk idek what to do so yuh... If you're reading this thank you so much and I hope you're have a good day/night:)))

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