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"What was that all about," Y/n asked JJ, furious at the thought of how the boy was just asking.
"I- uhm," JJ started.
"Spit it out," Y/n said, pulling out of the driveway.
"There's something i've been meaning to tell you...," he started.
"We'll spit it out if it's so important," she said.
"Not now, now isn't the time, especially not when i'm drunk," he replied.

Y/n rolled her eyes.

"Was this to get my attention or something?" she asked.
"Something like that I guess," he laughed.
"Oh JJ," she said looking over at him, "what am I gonna do with you."

JJ had dozed off to sleep seconds later but was woken up whenever they reached his house.

"Alright JJ go get in the bed, i'll text you tomorrow when I get off work," Y/n said as she opened up the door for him.

They hugged and Y/n went back to get in the car to leave.

"I love you Y/n," he said before he walked off back to his house.

Y/n replied back with a smile and a nodding of her head. She knew he meant it in the friend way but it still made her smile whenever she thought about it.

[A little while later]

Y/n laid in her bed but couldn't go to sleep. She couldn't stop thinking about Rafe's smirks and him pushing her hair back and just him in general. But then again she couldn't stop thinking about JJ. How he got so angry just because she was hanging out with Rafe, almost as if jealousy had taken control. And most importantly she couldn't stop thinking about the "I love you Y/n."

Y/n grabbed her phone since she couldn't sleep when she got a message from a random number.

?: Hey it's Rafe, this is Y/n right?
Y/n: uhh yeah, how's you get my number?
Rafe: not important😉
Y/n: Alrighty then... well is there anything I could help you with at this time of night?
Rafe: yeah actually, I was wondering if you'd like to hang out another time, you know maybe just you and me this time.
Y/n: I don't know if my friends would like that...
Rafe: It doesn't matter what they think, it only matters what you wanna do.
Y/n: I guess your right, i'll have to think about it. Why is there something else you're planning on showing me?
Rafe: Not showing you anything, just want to get to know you a little better. Your not like the other pouges, your actually tolerable.
Y/n: watch it Cameron...
Rafe: just messing around, but you are different though. There's something about you that just interests me...
Y/n: I don't know if thats a compliment or not...
Rafe: look, what i'm trying to say is... I cant stop thinking about you, so let me properly take you somewhere to hang out and get to know each other a little better you know?
Y/n: I'll think about it Cameron, we'll I think i'm gonna head off to bed, goodnight.
Rafe: Goodnight:))

And with that final message received, Y/n put her phone down and immediately fell asleep.

The next morning Y/n got up and had to go back to work. Of course. So when she finally arrived at work she was surprised to already see Rafe sitting at a table.

"Are you waiting on you food," she asked walking up to him.
"No actually I was waiting on you," he replied.
"Oh how thoughtful of you, why though?" she asked.
"Just to see you," Rafe smirked.
"Mhm.... well... what would you like to drink my good sir?" she asked.
"I'll take the coke please," he smiled.
"Be right on it," she said.

As she went behind the counter she got a message from JJ.

JJ: hey can't we talk later?
Y/n: sure, is something wrong?
JJ: no no it's fine don't worry about it we will talk later.
Y/n: Ok, we'll I gotta get back to work so see you in a bit:)
JJ: See you in a bit:)))

Y/n couldn't hid the look of confusion upon her face.

"Something wrong?," Rafe asked from the table behind the counter.
"What- oh no it's nothing," she replied and went to go get his drink.

They talked more throughout her shift until Rafe said he had something to take care of with his friends and he left.

What's wrong with me, I can't be feeling the same way about two guys?! Besides, there's not way I could be with Rafe. He's the kook prince.... what would anyone even think of me... me and sarah's brother?! And same thing with JJ, me and JJ are best friends. Plus what about the no pouge on pouge macking rule...., Y/n thought to herself.

Y/n nodded her head in frustration, thankfully time had passed by quickly so she could just go home and think everything through.

Oh crap, I forgot I have to go talk with JJ... no time to waste I guess, let's see what he wants, she said as she departed from work.

[Later at JJ's house]

Y/n went to open the door when she was stopped by a tall blonde boy she knew as her best friend.

"Hey JJ, so what is it you wanted to talk to me about?" she asked.
"Not here, come on let's go down to the water real quick," he said as he started heading down there.
"Okay.....," she said as she followed closely behind.
"Oh and be careful," he said as he grabbed her hand, "There's a bunch of prickly bushes everywhere."

This is it. The feeling i'm my stomach... it's back. I couldn't help but smile as I hid my face, JJ thought to himself.

"Here we are," Y/n said, "now what is it that's so important you had to bring me all the way out her to tell me."
"I uhm... I...," JJ started, but couldn't manage to get his words out.

All of a sudden their conversation was cut off by Y/n's phone ringing.

"I- uh... sorry," she said.
"No no it's fine you take that," he fake smiled.
"Ok, sorry," she whispered as she picked up the phone.

"Hello," Y/n answered.
"Hey," replied Rafe from the other side of the phone.
"What is it? I'm kinda busy right now sorry, I think it's important," she said.
"I wanted to invite you to another party we are having tonight. Please tell me you'll be there," he said.
"Fine, but i'm bringing JJ again too, anyways got to go," Y/n said before Rafe could say anything else and hung up the phone.

"Sorry about that JJ," Y/n said, feeling horrible to leave what seemed like an important conversation.
"Huh... oh... actually i've changed my mind, I heard we're going to a party and i'll just tell you then... it's the element of surprise," he smiled.
"JJ!! You can't keep doing this," Y/n laughed.
"Well what are we waiting for, let's go get ready," he said.

A/n: heyyy shawty's uhhh... if ur reading this hope ur having a great day and thank you:) sorry I don't have much to say idek what to say😫✋

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