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"Uh, Pope, you're driving pretty fast," Kiara pointed out as Pope sped down the road.

"Whoooooo!" he howled, not listening to the girl at all.

"Pope, last to judge, but I think you should slow down just a little," JJ told him.

"Or a lot," Kyla added and the blonde nodded in agreement since he was sitting right beside her in the back seat.

"That would definitely delay our arrival to the cross. We gotta get there," Pope explained, not slowing down at all.

"Why did we let him drive again?" Kiara asked.

"Because I said I'd rip your ears off," Pope answered.

"Because he said he'd rip our ears off," Sarah said immediately after.

"You did say you were gonna rip our ears off," Kiara remembered.

"I was joking about that, by the way," Pope told them.

"That's a really funny joke," Kiara said sarcastically, giving the boy a weird look.

"Hey, how ya feeling, buddy? How are you doin'?" John B asked Pope, wanting to make sure he wasn't going to pass out again.

"Uh, fantastic. I don't know what JJ's cousin gave me, but I am moving!" Pope answered energetically.

"We couldn't tell," Kiara said sardonically.

"Okay, well, um, you're going really fast right now," John B said, trying to slow him down again.

"Yeah, really fast!" he agreed before he looked behind him, driving the car without looking forward. They all began to shout at him since he began to swerve around the road, making him turn back around.

"I don't know if you noticed, but there's giant oak trees all along this road. They're like six inches off the road," John B told him quickly.

Pope didn't listen as he began to pass a car, going into the lane that faced the other way. "You don't need to pass! You don't need to pass! You don't need to pass!" Kyla and her sister shouted over and over again.

Pope passed the car, another car coming right towards them. He then swerved to the right, causing the other car to swerve the other way and almost drive off the road. "What an asshole, right?" Pope said like it was no big deal.

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