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Kie's POV:

The door opened and a younger girl opened the door. She practically jumped into JJ's arms and he hugged her back. She backed away and looked at me then at JJ.

"This is my girlfriend, Kiara" he said

She hugged me and said, "It's so nice to meet you, I'm the little sister, Emma."

"Nice to meet you too" I said

She called for her mom and her mom came out and immediately hugged JJ.

"This is my girlfriend, Kiara. Kie this is my mom, Jessica"

She hugged me and we all made small talk. Jessica said, "Bring your stuff in and I'll reheat dinner. You two must be starving"

JJ and I went to the guest bedroom and put our stuff down. We went back to the kitchen and Jessica had two plates of food for us. We both ate and made casual conversations about the drive. Jessica then gave us a house tour and talked about how amazing it was to spend the last two years with her son.

"He talked about you all the time. I don't know how you went two years without seeing him. I missed him so much when he left"

"It was hard, but I knew that it was something he needed to do. Thank you for taking care of him"

"He's my baby boy, I'll always take care of him and you as you're my future daughter-in-law," Jessica said smiling

It was pretty late so JJ and I were heading to bed. The guest room was amazing, it had its own bathroom and JJ told me this is where he stayed. I went to take a shower and JJ got in with me and he started kissing me. We were really doing this in the shower at his mom's house. After JJ was washing my hair and I said, "The last shower we took together was right before you left"

I was crying and he hugged me and said, "I'm not going anywhere without you ever again. I promise"

"I love you"

"I love you too" He said and we got out of the shower and went to bed

The next three days were spent with Jessica and Emma. They took us and showed us around Boston. I saw so many similarities between Emma and JJ. She even introduced us to her boyfriend, Ryan and JJ approved.

I watched JJ interact with his mom and sister and he seemed so happy. JJ and his sister were playing a card game and Jessica came over to me and sat next to me and we watched them from a distance.

"I have you to thank for taking care of my baby boy. He wouldn't have turned into the man he is today without you. Thank you and he is so lucky to have you"

"Thanks, it's easy with him. He was my best friend before he was my boyfriend"

She told me all about how she met Luke and her story. She felt awful for leaving him with Luke. She had no idea how abusive he was. 

"I wish things were different for JJ's sake, but if you would have taken him to New York, I wouldn't have been able to fall in love with him" I said to make her feel better and it was true

JJ and his mom went out the next day and I stayed back with his sister. She was so fun to talk to and hang out with. I told her to come visit us in OBX and she was so excited.

"So are you and JJ gonna get married?" She asked smiling at me

I looked at her and I honestly didn't know the answer. I thought so but now we were trying to have a baby. 

"Honestly, I don't know... We talked about it but we are happy as is now"

"Well, I hope you guys do. The Maybanks need another girl to add to the fam"

Emma was the sweetest and she reminded me so much of JJ. It was crazy how different the two were raised, yet they were so similar. JJ and Jessica returned and he walked in with the biggest smile.

"There's my girl, I missed you" He said coming to me and kissing me

We went to bed and we laid in the guest bedroom and I said, "So Emma wants to know when we're getting married?"

"I think you want to know when we're getting married" He said teasing me

"Honestly, yes, I want to marry you but marriage doesn't change anything except my last name. So no rush or pressure."

"Really?" He asked surprised

We talked about it and he felt the same way. We got up early the next day and headed home. I was pretty quiet on the way home. JJ noticed and he asked what was bothering me.

"Nothing, I'm just thinking about what your life would be like if your mom would have taken you with her to New York"

"Don't worry about it because it didn't happen. We both know my life growing up with Luke. I could have gone with them and gone to private school, traveled the world, went to college, and lived the good life. But I wouldn't be with you and if I could go back to that day my mom left and have the option to go or stay knowing what I know now. I would stay every single time. That sad story from abusive Luke ends as a beautiful love story with you. You make it all worth it, I love you Kie"

Okay, shit. I didn't want to cry but I was crying. For someone who said he wasn't good at emotional shit. He was damn good at it. He grabbed my hand and kissed it since he was driving and I said, "You're so sweet, I love you"

We arrived back home and we went right to our bedroom and we kinda forgot about the whole baby thing. We were just focused on ourselves and being in love. We unpacked the next day and then we had to get back to our jobs. Yuck. I loved being in the bubble with JJ where the outside world didn't exist.

Two weeks had gone by and life had gotten pretty crazy. I hated being away from JJ. It was so hard for me to let him leave for work every day because I always worried he might not come back. Today, I really needed him home so we could talk about something important. 

He should have been home from work two hours ago. I called him and his phone went right to voicemail. I was calm at first and I went to the beach and the surf shop was closed. I panicked and I was a hysterical mess. I called John B and explained the situation. He tried to calm me down but it only made it worse. 

Did JJ leave me again? Did he decide he liked his mom and sister better? Did he want that life? Did he not love me?

I was sitting at the chateau bawling and having a major anxiety attack as my brain spiraled. He was now three hours late. Where was he?

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