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you're magic

The sun beat down on my back as I laid on my stomach by the pool. I tried to will myself to sleep or day dream, anything to keep my mind occupied. I was by myself for the first time in a long time. Alone with my thoughts, nothing to do to keep my mind from wandering to the darkest places it could find inside of me. I took a sip of jack and coke, keeping myself at the perfect spot between a light buzz and full on drunk.

Sweat slipped down my skin, pooling around my neck and the small of my back. I wiped my face with a towel and tried to get comfortable again. Just as I settled into a semi comfortable position my phone began to vibrate on the table next to me.

I picked up my phone and held it to my ear, "What's up?"

"Well you picked up quick. What are you doing?"


I bit my lip to keep myself from smiling, "Just tanning a little."

"Do you need company?" His response was quick, his voice eager.

I let out a sigh, "I guess that's alright."

"Good because I'm already on the way."

I hung up the phone and stood to my feet. I had to get ready.

My fingers found the hair tie that secured my bun and tore it from my hair as I made my way to my room. I quickly ran a brush through my hair and twisted the strands into a loose braid as I waited for the shower to warm up. I took off my old, frumpy bathing suit and stepped into the shower, trying to clean the sweat off my skin as quickly as possible. I
As soon as I was rinsed I threw on a new bikini. Bright white and tiny.

I gave myself a once over in the mirror. Something was missing. I picked up my tinted lip balm and swiped it over my lips, smiling as it pulled together my effortless look like I hoped it would.

I checked my phone. He's almost here.

I skipped down the stairs and settled myself on the lounge chair. My stomach was sucked in and one leg was bent to show off my toned body.

Topper and I had been hanging out a lot and the sexual tension was mounting. We cuddled a few times, but it had been weeks since we kissed. Since we last had sex.

And I wanted him.

I couldn't help the grin that plastered itself to my face as I watched him walk into my backyard with a brown paper bag and a drink tray.

Topper sat the items down on the table next to me and plopped down at my feet, "You look good. What's the occasion? Is Rafe coming over?"

I extended my leg and lightly pushed him with my foot, "Way to flatter a girl. No, he's not coming over. I'm just hanging out."

Topper grinned at me, "Good."

He reached into the bag and pulled out two styrofoam containers. He held one of the containers and a fork out to me, "Here."

"Is this what I think it is?" My mouth watered as I opened the container, "Cheese fries!"

Topper handed me one of the cups and I took a small sip, "And a lemonade slush? What did you do?"

Topper rolled his eyes, "Can't I do something nice for you without wanting something?"

I chewed a bite of fries and stared up at the sky, my finger tapping my chin, "Hmmmm.... No."

"Guess you don't need any then."

He tried to grab the fries from me but I pulled away from him, holding the container just above my head, "Don't fuck with me or my food."

My heart fluttered as a laugh tumbled out of his throat. A real laugh, not a fake one.

"What's so funny?"

Topper took a sip of his drink and then pointed his cup at me, "You're funny."

I shoveled a couple of big bites into my mouth, trying to stall while I figured out what to say. My eyes scanned over Topper studying the way he was laying, his facial expression, the look in his eyes. I wanted to know what was going on in his head. I felt like I was open and vulnerable, he could read me like a book. But he was closed off, hiding from me.

I sat the empty container on the chair, "Wanna go swimming?"

Topper nodded his head and pulled his shirt off, tossing it on the ground.

I peeked at him out of the corner of my eye. His chest and abs and arms were toned and tanned and he looked good. He could have any girl he wanted whenever he wanted but he was so far in Rafe's shadow that he couldn't even see it.

An involuntary shriek escaped my lips as the cold water hit my stomach, "Fuck, it's cold."

Topper laughed at me and kicked the water, causing droplets to spray over me. I gasped as the water hit my skin and then glared at him. He gave me a sarcastic smile and I rolled my eyes at him. Sometimes I felt like I wanted to be with him but then he'd pull some of his old shit and for a second I hated him again.

He drove me crazy. He made this fire burn deep inside of me and I couldn't figure out of it was because I liked him or hated him or both. "How are you able to bring me my favorite food and be so sweet and then turn around and be a fucking asshole."

He sent me a smirk before jumping into the water right next to me. I held up my arms defensively but it didn't help as water splashed over my arms and face and chest. I tried to move away but he wrapped his arms around me and held me against his cool skin, "It's called balance, Sienna. If I was nice to you all the time life would be pretty boring."

I relaxed against his chest and my eyes bounced between his eyes and his lips. The tension between us was thick and time felt like it stood still as he held me. I could feel his heart pounding in his chest as his eyes scanned over my features. It felt like we were being drawn together.

I moved my lips closer to his ever so slightly and I saw something flash across his face before he quickly placed me back on my feet and then dove into the deep end.

I watched his body glide under the water, his muscles rippling with the waves he was creating.

The more he pushed me away the more I wanted him. The way we were before was ruined. We could never go back to that, not that I wanted to.

Instead of making things easier, instead of opening the door for me and Rafe, everything was muddy and messy.

Topper surfaced in the deep end, treading water, "Don't be lame. Come swim!"

He gave me a shy smile and his eyes caught the sun in a way that made them look so crystal clear and bright blue and I felt my entire body catch fire.

I slowly made my way over to him, trying to hold back shivers as my body adjusted to the water. I was hoping for an afternoon full of sun soaked kisses and flirting and maybe sex in the pool. The last thing I wanted to do was actually swim but I would do anything that boy asked me to.

throwing rocks at your window // Topper ThorntonWhere stories live. Discover now