Ch. 4

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Most of my time I play my guitar or piano and hang with my Cousin; John B, and JJ the boy I have known since the third grade, Pope my not so smarter than me friend, Kiara or Kie as we call her, Rafe Cameron my Best friend and his sister Sarah Came...

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Most of my time I play my guitar or piano and hang with my Cousin; John B, and JJ the boy I have known since the third grade, Pope my not so smarter than me friend, Kiara or Kie as we call her, Rafe Cameron my Best friend and his sister Sarah Cameron the other kook princess herself as what Kiara and the others call her. We were all best friends and after a year of being out of town Kiara could care less on what Sarah does.

I sat in my room with the crew as we just talked about things, I overheard my mom coughing and I closed the door. Ever since my mom was diagnosed with cancer it has gotten harder for my family, but for my mom she acts like she's not dying, each night I keep the door open listening to my mom's breathing, sometimes it keeps me up at night and I think to myself when it will happen.

"Hey, Liv. You alright?" I heard JJ say and I looked up at him to see him giving me a curious look and nodded "yeah, I'm fine." I muttered and John B nudged my arm and I smiled "I'm fine, really..." I told them and we went on to talking.


I watched as Rafe helped my dad put up the shutters on our house and I couldn't help but admire him from afar "Are you just gonna stare or are you gonna help us?" my dad said, and I chuckled, Rafe smirked, and I nodded "I think I like the view from here." I muttered and Rafe walked towards me "The faster we finish the faster we can have some alone time." he whispered, and I smiled. "Okay... Fine." I sighed then walked over to my dad and helped put the last few shutters then my dad and mom left to go get some last-minute supplies for the storm. Rafe and I were finally alone, he carried me up to my room and I laughed as he kissed my neck "Wait, wait... Rafe I-I think we should take things slow, I mean I haven't even told my friends and your sister about us." I muttered and he sighed "Okay... okay." He said and I frowned but he noticed "Hey, I love you." He told me which resulted in me smiling and kissing his cheek. "I love you too."

Rafe made his way home because of the storm and I went to my grandfather's to pick him up, I always loved hanging with him whenever I had nothing to do. We'd sit on the dock watching the boats pass by or I'd help him fix his truck and talk about his past or my future "Hey Grandpa!" "Hey Kiddo! Thank you again for picking me up." he told me and I smiled then opened up the trunk and helped him put the generator "Anytime. Looks like Agatha is gonna be a big one." I told him and he nodded "Yup." I closed the back then got in the front and started up the car.

It started raining when we got to my house and we brought the generator to the garage then I set up a blanket and pillow fort with my siblings but JJ facetimed me "I'll be right back." I told Frankie then walked up the stairs as I answered my phone. "Hey." I smiled and I saw that his hair was wet "Why are you all wet?" I asked and he sighed "Just came from outside, had to put up the wood over the windows." "You're staying home for the storm?" I asked and he shrugged "JJ, I'll come pick you up. I'm not letting you stay there with your dad." "I'll be fine, he's passed out anyways. I'll just go to the chateau." JJ told me and I nodded "That makes me feel a little better." I muttered then I saw him smirk. "What?" "Nothing, I just love that you care about me." JJ said and I rolled my eyes "Whatever..." "Hey, Liv. Thank you." JJ muttered and I nodded "Your welcome. Oh hey, so..." the connection broke and I groaned "god damn power." I muttered to myself then grabbed a few games for me and my siblings.

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