Ch. 14

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"No Effing way!" Kiara yelled as she was looking at Sarah, I rolled my eyes and sat next to JJ

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"No Effing way!" Kiara yelled as she was looking at Sarah, I rolled my eyes and sat next to JJ. "You brought her here? So what? She's in on this now?" Kiara asked and looked me us then John B "I dunno." "Look, all I care about is her cut comes out of your share." JJ said and I nudged his arm "JJ." I muttered and he sneaked his hand on my back and I felt butterflies. "You know, I don't remember taking a vote. This is our thing. A Pogue thing." Kiara said and Sarah looked at me. "What about Olivia? She's a kook." "Don't bring me into this." I told her and Pope frowned "I gotta say, I'm just a tad uncomfortable with all of this." he said and John B frowned "Thank you!" "When are you not comfortable?" John B asked and Pope shrugged "I dunno. I rode here on the back of JJ's bike pretty comfortably." "It's true. Most relaxed I've ever seen him." JJ said and I smirked. "That's cute, guys." "You know we were all extremely comfortable until you brought her." Kiara said and I sighed "Stop talking about me like I'm not here!" Sarah saids and Kiara scoffed "Then leave." she told her and Sarah looked at John B "I told you." "Told him what, exactly? That you're a liar?" Kiara butted in and Sarah glared at her. "No, that you're a shit-talking bitch, Kiara." Sarah said and the boys gasped "Oh, shit!" "Guys, shut up." I hit there forearms. "When have I lied?" "My money's on Kie." JJ said taking out money from his pocket and I rolled my eyes "Can you two stop." I whispered to them and I went back to Sarah and Kiara. "You get somebody close to you..." "I didn't lie about shit..." Kiara and Sarah yelled and I frowned. "Everybody shut up!" John B yelled and my eyes widened then looked at JJ.

"Kie, you are my best friend, right? And Sarah, you're..." John B started and chuckled "'re my..." he said and Sarah smiled "Say it." "You're my girlfriend." he told her and I smiled then Kiara rolled her eyes "Ohh..." "That's new." JJ and Pope muttered and I nodded. "Tell me about it." I muttered and cleared my throat as Kiara glared at me. "She's your girlfriend now? What was all that talk about you were just using her for information? Get a map, cut her loose." Kiara said and I frowned "What?" "You said you were using me?" me and Sarah said at the same time and looked to JJ and Pope. "No." "Yeah, you did." "You said those things." The boys all said one after the other and I shook my head. "Look, love just walked in, okay?" "Oh, vomit." Kiara scoffed and John B sighed "I didn't expect it. It just... it kind of happened. And I'm not gonna deny it. Right?" he asked looking at Sarah and she nodded. "Oh! That's corny." Pope whispered and I rolled my eyes "Look, cut the bullshit, John B. If she's in, I'm out." Kiara said and I frowned looking at Kie. "I'm not doing this. I can't!" "You are gonna decide. I'm very interested, actually. Me or her?" Kiara questioned and John B shook his head and sighed "Both." he muttered and I scoffed "Oh god." I muttered resting my head in my hands and sighed. "Ooh." "Went for the Hail Mary." Pope and JJ gasped and I looked up to John B then Kiara trudged out and over to the dock "Kie, c'mon." I said asking her to come back and she shook her head and kept walking.

"It'll be cool, right?" Sarah questioned and I sighed "I'm gonna leave." she said and looked to me "You coming? she asked and I shook my head "Sarah, don't." "Gonna let y'all chat. Let me know." Sarah said and grabbed her bike and went home. "I'd just like to say, you handled that beautifully." JJ said and I rolled my eyes "I'm leaving too. Call me when you actually have a decision that doesn't envolving my two best friends tearing each other to pieces." I told John B and JJ helped me up as he saw I was struggling. "See you later?" he asked and I nodded "Yeah, uh... yeah. I'll text you." I told him not trying to make anything awkward.

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