Ch. 30

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I messed with the bracelet Rafe gave me in the Bahamas and I noticed the date engraved on the little heart charm and it had my mom's initials along with it, which made me miss her again but I remembered what she said in my dream or what I made up and held the bracelet close to my heart. I saw JJ staring at me in the corner of my eye but I ignored him.

"The tape, you heard it?" "Just a few seconds. But it's definitely Gavin..." I heard Pope and John B's conversation and i frowned. "I think Ward might have betrayed Limbrey like he did your dad." Pope said and the name Limbrey sounded pretty familiar to me "Do you think Limbrey and your dad might have been working together?" Pope asked and JJ sat next to me "You doing okay?" He asked and I shrugged "Define okay... I mean in the last 48 hours I almost drowned basically got kidnapped, and shot at." I told him and he sighed.

"I'm sorry I didn't believe you." JJ said and i frowned "What?" I looked up at him and he sighed. "When I went through your bag and found those pills. I should've believed you. I was just mad because look at my dad, look at his life." JJ said and I looked at the ground. "Yeah."

A few hours later Sarah came back but she looked in distressed "What happened?" "So, how'd it go?" John B and Pope questioned and Sarah sighed. "You guys were right. It didn't work." She muttered and JJ scoffed "Sorry." "Welp, then that settles it, guys. Now, y'all need to load up in the paddy wagon and get the heck out of Dodge right now." JJ said and Pope nodded "Right, you'll need supplies, and you'll have to split as soon as possible." He told them and I saw something off in the distance and then heard sirens.

"Guys, I think it's too late." I told them getting up and they all looked at where I was pointing "They followed you here?" John B questioned and i frowned "Must've been your father." "We have to find another way out." Pope said and I nodded. "Stay on the beach with your hands in the air!" A deputy said from a megaphone but JJ pulled me back "Go now! Go!" "Sarah!" We all yelled and we began running towards the tree line.

We heard officers yelling behind us and I almost tripped over some driftwood "We've got to outrun them!" "Come on! Let's go! Let's go!" The boys yelled and John B helped Sarah and Pope helped me "You're okay. You're okay." I could hear John B tell Sarah and Pope pushed me forward "Sarah, Liv, you guys good?" Kiara asked and we nodded "Yeah. You okay?" John B asked and I could feel my stitches rip open and I screamed in pain "Liv!" JJ yelled and came to my side. We got to a drop off into the marsh and I shook my head "I can't- I can't go on!" I cried and John B came to my side "You're okay... JJ, grab her hand." "C'mon princess." JJ muttered and grabbed my hand helping me cross the marsh and we made it to a tree "Fuck!" I groaned and I looked down at my stomach to see the bandage was all red and blood was oozing from under it "Shit." Pope examined it and John B handed him his bandana "Here use this for pressure." He said and he looked around the tree and frowned.

"We're trapped. They surrounded us." He said and I shook my head "We have to fight." I muttered not wanting my cousin to go to jail but knew it wasn't the right thing. "What do we do?" "No getting out of it. We gotta make a stand." JJ said and took out the gun then started drying it off. "It's over now!" We heard an officer and John B looked between JJ then Sarah then finally at me which I shook my head. "Please don't." I whispered to John B and he nodded his head "It's what I have to do." He said then stopping JJ from using the gun and dropped it to the ground then smiled. "It's gonna be all right." John B told JJ then I saw Shoupe come in his police car making me more scared. "Here we go." John B whispered then went out in front of the tree, JJ covered the gun up and I looked at Sarah then held her hand with my free hand.

"John B! Step out into the clearing!" Shoupe yelled as he was pointing his gun towards us and I closed my eyes "Get down. Do not move!" "I'm surrendering!" John B yelled and the officer kept yelling at him and the pain in my stomach was agonizing. "Damn it." I hissed and JJ came to my side "It's gonna be alright." He said and I shook my head. "Stay right where you are. Keep your hands where we can see them." Shoupe yelled and I tried to get up "Liv, no." "Hey, listen, Shoupe, I wanna testify." John B said and JJ grabbed my arm "Liv. Stop." "John B wait." I cried out. "It's about time. Get down. Do not move a muscle. Everybody else, don't move." Shoupe yelled and I moved towards them but Plumb pointed her gun at me. "Don't move. Keep your hands where I can see them." She yelled and I held them to my stomach to hold the bandana to my open wound. Officer Thomas pushed John B to the ground and i frowned "Serious? Come on!" "Hey, Thomas!" Shoupe tried to stop him but Thomas punched John B. "No! Stop! Let him go!" I yelled and ran to him but Plumb pushed me back "Sheriff, what is that? You're gonna let that happen?" JJ yelled and the officers held us back. "Don't move!" They yelled and I could hear Kie and Sarah screaming "Thomas! Stand down! Get off!" Shoupe yelled at him but he grabbed John B by the collar and I felt dizzy. "This is for Peterkin." I heard him say and he punched him knocking him out. "Please don't take him away, he didn't do it!" I yelled and Shoupe held his hand out "Liv, calm down! Stay back alright." He said and I couldn't breathe, the pain was too much and I lost a lot of blood already. "I- I can't... JJ." I muttered then my vision blurred "Liv!" I heard before blacking out.

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