Ch. 37

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I sat on the couch and soon JJ laid on top of me hugging me to death "Ah you're heavy!" I whined and I brought my face closer to his "JJ, this isn't what I meant when I said I want you on top of me." I whispered in his ear and he smirked.

"Well, hello, princess." JJ muttered as Sarah walked up the steps and i frowned "What's up?" "Shouldn't you be on Figure Eight with your little group of polo players? Or did you break up with Topper?" John B said and I narrowed my eyes at him. "We're just friends." "He's just a friend. You have a lot of friends, Sarah Cameron." John B sneered and I cleared my throat "John B..." "Yeah, and it seems like you've got some of your own too." Sarah said and I decided to end this. "Okay, we know that girl was a bitch last night... Sooo... what are you doing here?" "I'm here for Pope." Sarah sighed and we frowned "I think I found the island room." She told him and our eyes widened as we all looked at each other.


Sarah told us it was at Tannyhill and I was skeptical to go but JJ assured me that I was going to be fine. We all got into the Twinkie and I sat next to Kiara in the back "Guys, listen to this... The diary says the cross holds the most holy relic in all of Christendom, the Garment of the Savior." Pope read and i frowned "So wait, he saying there's a holy garment inside the cross?" Kiara questioned and Pope nodded "Yeah. It says the garment is capable of healing the sick from any malady." Pope told us and JJ nodded "Mmm, yeah. "If only I may touch His garment, I shall be made well." JJ said and we all looked at him "What? I went to Sunday school." He muttered and I nodded "Yeah." "Sure." Me and Kie said and he rolled his eyes.

"Well, that explains why Limbrey would want the cross so bad. She thinks it can heal her." Pope said and I nodded, I mean I guess if you believe in miracles that much. "What else does it say?" I asked and Pope looked down at the diary.

"Many feel that we have sinned to steal such a sacred thing, and God will strike His vengeance on us."

"Thing is, God did have His vengeance. He sent a hurricane to sink the ship. Only Denmark survived." Pope said and John B pulled into the driveway.

" Pope said and John B pulled into the driveway

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"Whoo!" "This place still freaks me out." John B said and I nodded "Yeah, same." I muttered as we walked through the halls and we passed Rafe's room. I stopped as everyone kept on going and I couldn't help but step inside. It was still the same but more cleaner then usual, I saw the bracelet laying on the dresser. I picked it up and I couldn't help but tear up "Liv?" I heard and I turned to see JJ and he looked around and before he could see it I put the bracelet in my pocket.

"C'mon, we found something." He told me and I nodded "Yeah." I muttered then walked outside in the hall and went into the dining room where me and Sarah used hang out in, the wallpaper that used to be on the walls were now ripped off and thrown to the floor. The walls were bare and had pictures drawn onto them and I realized it was a map.

"This is incredible!"

"Pope, come here." JJ called Pope over and I looked around the trim and I saw a big tree that looked familiar.

"This is Denmark's handwriting for sure." "The drawings, they match up." Pope said and John B went over to the boys. "Holy shit." He muttered and i frowned "What?"

"Denmark, you genius! These are all his drawings. He... he painted this entire room." Pope said and Kiara came by me and looked at the paintings "Yeah, question is why. What's he trying to tell us?" She asked.

"It's gotta have something to do with the key, right? Right?" "Yeah, but what?"

"How did you know to uncover this?" John B asked Sarah and I turned to them "I didn't. It was like this when I got home." Sarah told us and i frowned. "What?"

"Okay, then who did it?" Kiara asked and Sarah shrugged "I don't know." She told us and I sighed.

"The freaks." I heard a new voice and I scream while everyone else gasped and JJ held his hands up in defense mode about to beat anyone up. I sighed in relief when I saw it was Wheezie and held my chest for a second "Wheeze!" "Oh thank god, it's just Wheezie." I muttered then JJ frowned.

"What freaks are we talking about, Wheeze?" He asked and she looked at us "Uh... that sick lady and her attack dog. They... they showed up last night, and they wanted to talk to Rafe." Wheezie told us and i frowned "What?" "Wait. Pale blond lady?" JJ asked.

"She have crutches?"


"It's gotta be Limbrey." Pope said and we nodded.

"What happened?" John B asked Wheezie and she nodded "First, they searched the whole house looking for something, and then Rafe told me to go upstairs. But I didn't wanna miss out, so I listened through the grate." Wheezie told us and I smirked "Smart... Thanks for always being a snooper." I muttered then held my hand out for her to give her a high five.

"And they were talking about getting across the sand flamingo." Wheezie added and JJ nodded "That's code for something." "The cross. The Cross of Santo Domingo?" Pope questioned and she nodded "Yeah, that's it... Oh, and they were talking about angels. A lot of angel talk. I don't know." She said and i frowned.

"Angels?" "Guys, Denmark's famous last words. He buried the real treasure at the foot of the angel. They're looking for an angel. We have to find the angel in the room." Pope told us and while everyone started panicking and looking around the room, I was thinking about the clue.

Foot of the Angel.

"Start looking."

"Spread out."

"There's a church over here."

"What's... what's going on? Are you guys gonna tell me?" I heard Wheezie and I sighed "We'll tell you later, I promise." I told her and I looked up at the tree in the middle of the room and I got an idea.

I walked towards it and I stared at it, my mom used to tell me stories about these trees. She called them Angel oak. Foot of the Angel.

"JJ." I muttered and he came up right beside me "Yeah." "You remember my mom telling us about these trees?" I asked him and he nodded "Yeah, It's still there." He whispered and I nodded "Hey, yo! Hey, guys, I think Liv found something. Come here." JJ told the group and they all came over.

"This humongous tree is still on Goat Island. You know what it's called?" JJ questioned and I smirked "Angel Oak." I told them and Pope frowned "Look there. There's the keyhole." JJ pointed out to them and I nodded.

"That means the cross is buried at the foot of the angel." I told them as Pope said it too. "Wow, that must be where he put it. That must be where they are right now! We have to go!" Pope said and JJ looked at me "I think I'm Sherlock Holmes, all right?" JJ said and i frowned "You're welcome by the way." I muttered and John B nodded "Yeah. Hurry up, Sherlock... and Liv, you are a genius." He said and pushed us out of the room and we ran to the Twinkie.

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