Ch. 29

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"Dad." He said and Ward looked at me and I lost my balance but Rafe grabbed me before I could hit the ground. "Hold on, hold on, here. Press this to the wound." Ward told Rafe and I hissed in pain as he held a piece of fabric onto my stomach. "Ah owe... it hurts, it hurts..." "It's okay, it's gonna be okay. We got to stop the bleeding, okay?" Ward said and I looked at Rafe to see he was crying "I'm sorry, Liv. I'm so sorry." He said and I looked at Ward and I gripped his arm "I- I don't- I don't want to die... please don't let me die." I cried and he sighed "It's gonna be okay... hey, I'm not gonna let you die... Rafe pick her up... gently, we need to get her to the hospital." Ward said and grabbed my hand "You're not gonna die. I promise you that." He said and I nodded.

Rafe picked me up and I clung my arms around his neck "Stay awake, okay. Stay awake for me. Okay?" Rafe said and I smiled "Okay." I muttered as he sat me into a truck that came back for us and I laid my head on his lap then for a second me and Rafe locked eyes. "Hey, remember- remember our first date." I said and chuckled softly as he ran his fingers through my hair "The uh- the beach Day?" "Yeah... You- you tried so hard to impress me, you ran into the water and tripped..." I told him and Rafe nodded "I laughed so hard, that was the best day of my life. You finally said I love you back to me." Rafe said and I whimpered in pain "Hey... I love you okay, don't close your eyes... don't leave me please. I need you." Rafe cried and I nodded "I do love you, Rafe. I love you so much." I couldn't feel anything, like I wasn't just shot. "Rafe, I can't feel anything... I'm so tired." I whimpered then Rafe moved some of my hair to the side and checked on me "Hey, stay with me okay? We're almost there. Dad!" "We're pulling up now. Stay with us, Olivia. C'mon." I heard Ward and soon he got out of the truck and helped me out.

They rushed me into the hospital and a few nurses put me on a gurney "She was shot... in the stomach, help her please." I heard Rafe but all I could see was the nurses and doctors over me. "Ma'am, we going to take care you now." The nurse said and I turned my head to see Rafe next to his dad, I held out my hand to him, he grabbed it immediately but he let go as the doctors rushed me into surgery.


I opened my eyes to see I was back in OBX and I was at the beach, the special place where my mom used to take me. The blood was gone, the warmth of the sun beamed on my face making me smile softly. "Olivia." I heard then turned around to see my mom and i smiled like a kid at Christmas "Mom!" I yelled and pulled her into a tight bone crushing hug. "Oh my sweet girl. The world hasn't been kind to you, I'm so sorry I left you." "I missed you so much mom, I'm sorry I wasn't there. It's my fault, I should of stayed at home instead of going to the party. I'm a terrible daughter." I told her and she shook her head.

"No. It's not your fault. Never blame yourself for what happened to me, I wish I was there for you more. Maybe if I got us away from Nathan more sooner all this wouldn't have happened." She said and I sighed "But then we probably wouldn't have met Chris." I told her and she smiled "And we wouldn't have Robbie, or Julian, or Frankie." I added and she nodded. "Yeah... I'm so proud of you, Olivia. But it's not your time yet. You need to wake up, you need to go back to OBX live your life and do everything in your power to protect your brothers and sister." My mom told me holding the side of my face, tears streamed down my cheeks. "I don't want you to leave again." I cried and she leaned her forehead on mine "I will never leave you, because I'll always be right here." She said pointing at my heart and I pulled her into a tight rib crushing hug. "I'm ready." I muttered and I gasped for air.



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