Ch. 24

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Season Two!!!!!

*I'm excited, I'm going to Charleston to visit all the Outer Banks locations. I'll take lots of photos and share them, if they filming maybe I'll see them. Idk the possibilities are endless.*


I stood behind my brothers and sister as we listened to the priest talk about my father and grandfather, they were buried next to my mom and next to Sheriff Peterkin

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I stood behind my brothers and sister as we listened to the priest talk about my father and grandfather, they were buried next to my mom and next to Sheriff Peterkin. "We lay Christopher down to rest but though he is not alone, he is now reunited with his loving wife Mary and his father Chester." The priest said and I felt numb, I lost everyone and I don't know how I'm going to take care of my brothers and sister, Mrs. Lana took us in and we got to keep the house. I spent days at the chateau cleaning it up while JJ spent his time there too. Mostly we'd get high or drunk, I started drinking again and I don't think I'll stop. Everything felt like it was in slow motion, I felt eyes on me and I looked up to see Rafe with his family, I noticed Rafe kept on staring at me and the flashbacks of the night and all the shit I went through because of him came back all at once. I looked away and felt tears going down my cheek, I held Frankie close and I noticed Shoupe and Detective Bratcher keep looking at Ward and Rafe which made me frown. One officer brought the flag that was on top of my grandfathers coffin then handed it to me, I never said anything just nodded and held it tight.

I just wanted to scream.

After the burial, some people came over to me telling me how sorry they were about my father and my grandfather, told me little stories of how my grandfather was so courageous in the military. "Hey Liv, can we talk?" Rafe asked while he came over to me and I inhaled "Come on guys, we have to get going, Mrs. Lana is waiting for us by the car." I muttered with no expression on my face then pushed my siblings towards my car and Frankie turned back "Bye Rafe!" She smiled and I sighed then looked at Rafe as he waved at Frankie then looked at me "Bye Rafe." I muttered then picked up Frankie and headed for the car.

I took my siblings back to the house then I looked around as everyone came over, I saw Topper and I walked over to him "Hey." "Hey, Livy." Top smiled and I sighed as I looked at my family's picture. "I know you must be tired of hearing this today but, I'm sorry for what happened to your parents... and your grandfather." Topper said and I nodded "Thank you, that's really sweet of you. Thanks for coming." I muttered and he nodded then pulled me into a tight hug "Do you miss her?" I asked and he pulled away "Yeah. You?" He said and I nodded. "Yeah. I can't believe she's gone... and John B. The horrible things they're saying... I wish they'd believe me and my friends." I muttered and Topper looked to the ground. "Yeah." "Um. I have to do something... I guess I'll see you later?" I told him and he nodded "Yeah, I'll see you later... Hey, Liv?" Topper said as I was grabbing my car keys and turned to him "What?" "Be careful... I know you, you like to keep things bottled away. Just, just be safe." Topper said and I nodded.

I went to the Château and I called for JJ, Kie, or Pope but they weren't here so I went inside grabbed a half bottle of Vodka I had stashed from JJ and opened the bottle, I took a big swig of it and the feel of it burned down my throat hit. I looked around the Château and remembered all the good memories I made here being watched by my uncle when my parents went out, all the birthday's that were spent here; I saw a picture of John B and my uncle then sighed "Wish you both were here." I muttered then took another swig, I went outside by the hammock and I saw a little memorial for John B on the tree, I could tell JJ did it and I felt a tear going down my cheek. I took another drink but I looked at the bottle then got this rush of rage and so I threw the bottle at the tree. It shattered by John B's name and I scream, I felt so helpless, and the rage didn't help. I picked up one of the pieces of the glass and looked at it for a bit, the thought of just cutting slipped my mind but I threw the piece down then went over to the hot tub. I climbed in, not caring if my dress was wet and I just dipped my whole body under the water and screamed.

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