chapter 21

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Kie's POV:

I met JJ at the Wreck and we sat down in our booth. We were all eating and Taylor walked in. She came over and said, "Hey, JJ and Kiara"

"Hi" I smiled

"Hi Taylor" JJ said carefully

"I love this place, what's the best thing to get?" Taylor asked

"I love the sea food" JJ said

"Mac and cheese" Sophia said excited which made us laugh

Taylor looked at Sophia and then said, "I'm Taylor, I'm friend with your mommy and daddy. You must Sophia"

"Yep, I'm Sophia Anna Maybank"

"That's a pretty name" Taylor said and Soph smiled

Taylor went to order food and JJ invited her to sit with us. I wasn't going to make a big deal but this wasn't part of the plan. Taylor sat next to him and I said next to Sophia.

She didn't seem to mind Taylor being here. She just colored on the kids menu with crayons. We all finished eating and Taylor left and it was just the three of us.

"So did you like Taylor?" I asked

"Yeah, she nice and pretty" Sophia relied

"She is" JJ agreed with the two year old

We left the Wreck and JJ went home and so did I. The days went by and we were slowly introducing Sophia more to Taylor. Today was a big day. JJ was taking Sophia to the beach with Taylor. They had this whole day planned.

I was super nervous. I knew JJ would take good care of our girl. I sat home home anxiously waiting for JJ to bring her home. The front door opened and there my little girl was with her dad.

"Hi mommy!" She said running inside

"Hi, how was your day with daddy and Taylor?"

"So fun" She said

JJ handed me her bag and said, "I'll call you later"

I got Sophia in the bath as she was full of sand and she told me all about her day. She was full of energy. They played in the sand, went swimming, and then got ice cream. Sophia couldn't stop taking about it.

I was tucking her in and she asked, "Is Taylor daddy's girlfriend?"

I froze... I couldn't lie to her so I said, "Yeah, she is baby"

She was full of questions and I tried to answer them all honest at a level she could understand. Her last questions broke my heart.

"So daddy loves Taylor?"

"Yes, just like I love you"

"Daddy love Taylor so who love you?" She asked so innocently and I was trying to fight back tears

No one... But I couldn't tell me two year old daughter that. She looked confused as I didn't respond and she said, "Don't be sad mommy... I love you"

"I love you too, Sophia" I said hugging my daughter

I left my room and I went into the bathroom and turned the shower on and completely broke down in tears. I was sobbing because my daughter just realized that her dad doesn't love me. I sat on the bathroom floor crying for a solid twenty minutes.

I called JJ in the middle of my breakdown and he answered the phone, "Hey"

Before I could speak he asked, "What's wrong?"

"Sophia knows you love her just so you know. She knows she's your girlfriend. She knows so don't bother trying to hide it"

"You had the conversation with her?"

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