chapter 24

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Kie's POV:

A few days have gone by and I was supportive of the marriage. Who was I to get in the way of their love? They had already asked Sophia to be the flower girl and she was so excited.

My parents haven't really officially met Taylor yet so so they invited JJ and Taylor over for dinner. My parents sat at the ends of the table, JJ and Taylor sat close to each other, and I sat on the other side with Soph next to me.

The dinner was fine at first until Taylor opened her mouth. She was talking about wedding plans and then she said, "I just can't wait until we're married and we can start having babies"

I dropped my fork. I had thought about JJ getting married. I never pictured him having kids with someone else. My worst fears were coming true. JJ was going to have another family that he loved more.

"Excuse me" I said getting up from the table and going up to my bedroom

I shut my bedroom door and I sat on my bed. I didn't cry. I couldn't no matter how much I wanted to. I just sat there, numb. There was a knock on my bedroom door and out of all people it was Taylor.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to upset you by mentioning having kids. It's something that I want in my future. To be honest, JJ and I haven't really talked about kids"

"I'm not upset... I'm just not feeling the greatest. Something about all the tomato sauce in my mom's lasagna always upsets my stomach. I appreciate you coming up here. But you and JJ are getting married. You guys get to decide to have kids. I have no say in your life"

"I'd love to give Sophia step-siblings. She's incredible and I love her like my own daughter. I've never asked JJ but I've always wondered. You don't have to answer this if you don't want to. Was there ever anything between the two of you? Was it honestly just a hook-up?"

"It was just a hookup and I ended up pregnant"

She laughed and said, "For what it's worth, you and JJ are doing an amazing job raising this little girl. I hope to be half the mom you are someday"

"Thank you, Sophia really likes you so you must be doing something right"

Taylor was okay. I've tried to hate her and it's hard to because she makes JJ happy. We finished talking and we walked back downstairs together. We told everyone everything was fine and we finished dinner.

Thankfully, no one brought up JJ and Taylor having kids again. JJ and Taylor left and my dad went upstairs with Sophia. My mom looked at me and said, "I'm very proud of you for how you handled yourself tonight"

"Except for when I left the table because the thought of JJ and Taylor having kids scares me"


"Because he'll love that family more than Soph and I can't watch him break her heart"

"I promise you that he'll always love Soph" She said hugging me to calm me down

I tucked my daughter into bed and then I went to watch tv. JJ texted me.

JJ: Hey, are you okay?

Me: Yeah, I'm fine

JJ: Everything good between you and Taylor?

Me: Yeah, everything is perfect. You know she's actually not that bad

I fell asleep and over the next few days, life went on as normal. JJ has been super busy working his construction job. He was making pretty decent money.

My college graduation was coming up in a few weeks. I did four years of work in a little over two years. I've been trying to find the right dress. I also had job interviews to prepare for.

Soph was at JJ's for a few days and it was the middle of the night. My phone rang and it woke me up. It was JJ.

"Hi" I said half asleep

"I'm sorry to bother you but Sophia isn't feeling good. She's just crying saying she wants mommy"

"I'll be right over" I said hanging up as I ran out the door and drove to JJ's

I walked in the front door and towards the bedrooms. I saw Sophia was in JJ's bed. I went and laid next to my baby girl who was burning up from her fever.

She curled up next to me and she stopped crying. JJ laid down on the other side. Soph fell back asleep and Taylor stood in the doorway. She was looking like she wanted to get back into bed with JJ.

JJ loud whispered to her, "I'm sorry, it's just one night. You can stay on the couch"

"Nice... I get the couch while you and your ex-girlfriend share a bed" Taylor said slamming the door

Thankfully, it didn't wake up Sophia. JJ just looked over and I said, "I can bring her back to my parent's if you want"

"No, it's not a big deal..."

"Ex-girlfriend, huh?" I whispered laughing

JJ just rolled his eyes and we both fell asleep. Sophia woke up a few times in the middle of the night and we both did our best to get her back to sleep. She was coughing and had a fever. My poor sick baby.

She woke up in the morning and JJ was already gone at work. Soph was curled up next to me. I took her temperature and it was still high. I got up and Taylor was gone. I stayed at JJ's all day and took care of my sick baby.

JJ came home around lunch time and he said, "I'm just here seeing how you guys are doing"

I was laying on the couch with Soph resting on my chest. She was watching her favorite cartoon tv show.

"I'm good, she's still not feeling good. She's sweat through her clothes and mine"

"Go shower and grab some of my clothes. I'll take her for a bit"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, go" He said taking our daughter off my chest and she started to cry

I quickly went into JJ's room and grabbed some of his clothes and then I went and jumped in the shower quick. I was just finishing washing my hair when JJ opened the door and said, "She won't stop screaming"

"Just give her to me. It will be good to help her fever"

JJ undressed her and he handed her to me so I was holding her in the shower. I quickly washed her hair and then we got out of the shower.

I wrapped her in a towel and myself in one. I brought her into her room to get her into new pajamas. I was wrapped in a towel and JJ came in to take care of Soph but she screamed and only wanted me. I was getting her in her pajamas and then I brought her into JJ's room so I could dressed. I laid her on the bed as I put his shirt on and he came out of the bathroom in only his boxers.

I had his clothes on and I laid back down in his bed with Sophia who stopped crying the minute she was in my arms.

"What am I doing wrong?" He asked

"Nothing, you're amazing with her. It's just sometimes when you're sick all you want is your mom" I said remembering how attached I used to be to my mom when I was sick as a kid

"Wish I knew what that was like. I'm glad Soph has you as her mom. I gotta head back to work. Stay here and I'll cook tonight" He said kissing Soph on the top of her head

"Feel better, Soph... Daddy loves you"

JJ left to head back to work and Sophia fell back asleep.

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