chapter 25

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Kie's POV:

JJ texted me and told me that my mom had called him and she made her famous homemade chicken noodle soup. So he was stopping at my parent's house to pick that up for Soph.

I was still laying in his bed with Sophia. She was watching a show on the iPad. I usually wasn't the mom to just shove an iPad at my kid but when she was sick I didn't mind. I heard the front door open and I just assumed it was JJ.

"J" I said letting him know we were in his room still

I was wrong. It was Taylor. Great.

"What are you still doing in my bed?" She asked

"Umm, this is JJ's bed, not your bed. He told me to stay here with Soph and it's none of your damn business"

She gave me an annoyed look and said, "Well it is my business that you're wearing my boyfriend's clothes"

JJ suddenly appeared and he said, "Taylor, calm down. I told her to put my clothes on. Soph was all sweaty so Kie showered and I gave her some of my clothes"

"Did you shower with her?" Taylor asked

"No" JJ and I both said at the same time

"So nothing happened between you guys?"

"No, nothing has ever happened between us since I got Kie pregnant" JJ said which was kind of a lie

"Okay, good" Taylor said kissing him

JJ broke the kiss almost immediately and said, "I've got the soup for Soph"

I carried her to the kitchen and she sat on my lap as I fed her a few bites of soup. She wasn't that hungry but I tried to get her to eat.

He picked me up my favorite food from the Wreck which was super sweet of him. Taylor was mad that he didn't get her food.

I packed up my stuff and got ready to head home with Soph.

"Why are you leaving?" JJ asked

"It's just best I go back to my parent's house" I said leaving with Sophia

I got home and got Sophia ready for bed. She went right to sleep and I went downstairs and my mom asked, "How's my little grandbaby?"

"She's doing better, still just super tired"

"And how is my baby?" My mom asked looking at me

"I'm good, taking care of a sick kid is exhausting"

My mom smiled and said, "Tell me about it. You were a real pain in the ass when you were sick. You'd request all this special food and wouldn't eat anything else but whatever you requested. But you also loved to cuddle with me when you were sick. I hated when you were sick, but I miss those days when I could just hold you and make you feel better. So why are you in JJ's clothes?"

I explained to my mom and she asked, "When are you just going to tell him that you're in love with him?"

"It's not that simple, mom. He's marrying Taylor. He loves her"

"Kiara, open your eyes. The day you and JJ came over here to tell me and your dad that you were pregnant. He said he would marry you and he meant it"

"That was a long time ago"

"From day one he's been there and not just for Sophia, but for you too. He is in love with you."

"No he isn't because if he was he wouldn't be marrying Taylor" I said yelling

"You should tell him how you feel"

"There is nothing to tell him... Goodnight mom" I said going to my room

I went and laid in my bed. I couldn't stop thinking about what everyone has been telling me. My parent's, John B, Sarah, and Pope all have said JJ loves me but if he did really love me, why wouldn't he just tell me?

I try really hard to like Taylor and she'd be amazing if she wasn't dating JJ. What I really don't understand is if JJ is planning on marrying her, why hasn't he told her about his dad? Why doesn't he talk to her the way that he talks to me?

I guess the same goes for me. For some reason, I'm so comfortable with him. No matter what it is, I know I can always go to him. He listens to me even if it's just me complaining about stupid shit.

I've never felt more comfortable with anyone else in the world. I don't know if it's because he literally watched me give birth or what. But he's my go to in any situation. He gives me the best advice, he's pulled a stuck tampon out of me, helped get rid of my mastitis, nothing seems to scare him away.

I fell asleep and Sophia woke up feeling great but I woke up sick. Thankfully, my dad was able to take care of Soph today so I could sleep. I was woken up to who I assumed was my dad but it was JJ.

He sat down on my bed and he said, "Your mom told me you weren't feeling good"

"No, I got whatever Soph had" I said coughing

"I see you have a new favorite outfit" He said seeing I was still wearing his clothes

I laughed and said, "I'll wash them and get them back to you"

"Don't worry about it... Keep the clothes, they look way better on you. Is there anything I can get for you?"

"No, but thank you"

JJ leaned over and he kissed my forehead. He said, "You're burning up. Have you taken your temperature?"


JJ went into the bathroom in the medicine cabniet and grabbed the thermomether. He stuck it under my tongue and puled it out when it beeped.

"102.3" JJ said

"Explains why I feel like shit"

"Are you sure there isn't anything I can do to help you?"

"No, I just want to sleep" I said shutting my eyes

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah" I said quietly

He was walking to the door and I knew this was so wrong to ask him but I couldn't help it. I stopped him and asked, "Can you stay with me?"

"Of course" He said walking back over to my bed and laying down next to me

He pulled me into his arms and I fell asleep but I still heard him say, "I'll do anything for you"

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