chapter 27

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Kie's POV:

I decided to text JJ back.

Me: Not my boyfriend. Just a date that Sarah set up. Nothing serious

JJ: Better not date a guy who doesn't know your favorite ice cream flavor

Me: What?

JJ: Ben ordered you mint chocolate chip ice cream. You hate mint-flavored things. Your favorite is cookie dough and if there is no cookie dough you want cookies and cream

Me: How do you know that?

JJ: Kie, when you were pregnant I got you ice cream at least once a week

Me: Ha, sorry about that. I was a bitch when I was pregnant

JJ: You weren't a bitch. You were bust growing our daughter

JJ and I continued to text for a bit and then I fell asleep. The next night, I met my friends at the chateau. When I got there, Ben was there. Sarah invited him. Yay.

Ben smiled when he saw me and he came and hugged me. We sat down and we all started talking and catching up.

JJ's eyes caught mine and he looked pissed. Ben was actually a decent guy and I wasn't planning on giving him a second date but he was here so I went with it.

We were playing truth or dare and John B dared Ben to make out with me. He accepted the dare. He walked over to me and kissed me. He was a decent kisser and the kiss lasted a lot longer than I expected it to last. I haven't kissed anyone since JJ.

When we broke apart Sarah cheered and said, "Yay, a successful setup by me"

The game continued and Taylor asked JJ, "What is your body count?"

JJ made a face and said, "Honestly, I don't know... I lost count a long time ago. So I'm going to say one because that's all that matters"

"Well clearly the answer is at least two" Pope said which made me super embarrassed

JJ laughed and said, "He's right and I'd try to deny it, but I got a baby to prove it"

Taylor just laughed and said, "You're such a dork" before she kissed him

"Alright, Sarah truth or dare" JJ asked

"Knowing you, I gotta say truth"

"Boring... Okay, when are you and John B gonna give Soph a cousin?"

Sarah started laughing and said, "In a few years after I graduate and we aren't poor"

Sarah looked at Ben and his picked truth. She asked him why he was attracted to me and he gave some pretty good reasons. He then asked me and J picked truth. He asked, "Do you regret not having an abortion?"

I froze... I wasn't expecting that to come out of his mouth. I wasn't ever expecting anyone to ask me that. Ever! I didn't know know what to say without losing it.

"Why would you ask me that?"

"It's just a question... Answer it"

"No, never.... I would do the same thing over and over again if I had the choice. Sophia is the best thing that's ever happened to me. Now leave and don't ever fucking talk to me again" I said breaking down in tears

JJ walked over to him and he punched him, twice. Ben left and I was just sitting there crying and I was shocked that Taylor was the first one to comfort me.

"Hey, I'm so sorry... He's an ass for bringing that up. I know Sophia isn't my daughter but she's the sweetest little girl and I can't imagine not knowing her. She makes JJ happier than anyone else in this world. He wouldn't be himself without his daughter"

"Thanks, Taylor" I said still bawling

"I'm going home" I said getting up to leave

I was walking to my car and Taylor said, "JJ, go with her... Go be with your daughter. I know that wasn't easy for you either"

JJ drove me to my parent's house and I couldn't stop crying. It's stupid to let some comment upset me this much. I got out of the car and I ran inside to Sophia's room. I climbed into her small toddler bed and wrapped my arms around her.

"I love you so much, Sophia" I whispered

JJ entered the room and there wasn't much room left in this tiny bed. It didn't seem to bother him because he squeezed in. His body was completely pressed against mine. His strong arms wrapped around my body. He was holding me, not Soph. He wasn't here for Sophia, he was here for me.

I laid there for probably ten minutes before I knew it was time to go so she could get a good sleep. JJ and I left she room and my dad was waiting by the door.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah, it's a long story... Sarah set Kie up on a date with this guy and he was at the chateau tonight. We were playing a fun game of truth or dare and Ben asked her if she wishes she would have terminated the pregnancy"

My dad and JJ talked while I just stood there silently crying. My mom came out of her bedroom and hugged me. She looked at JJ and asked, "What happened to my baby?"

My dad explained what happened and JJ promised to stay tonight and take care of me. I went into my room and I took a shower. I couldn't believe I let Ben kiss me. I felt so dirty. I realized I had been in the shower way too long because JJ came in the bathroom and said, "Kie, time to get out"

He handed me a towel and I shut the water off. I dried off and I changed into my pajamas. I laid down in bed next to JJ and I said, "I don't know why I'm so upset over this. What he says changes nothing but it just made me think how different my life would have been without Sophia. I used to miss the life I never got to live because of her but now I would never go back. I love being a mom. I love our daughter more than I could ever put into words"

"I know you do... Everyone know how much you love her. You're an amazing mom"

"But JJ the thought crossed my mind" I admitted

"What do you mean?"

"That night you told me it was my decision and I thought about both sides. It was only for a brief second but I thought about it and damn it.. If I wouldn't have had Soph, who knows what would have happened to us"

JJ looked at me and he said, "I promise you that even if we didn't have Soph, we would still be best friends. We'd laugh and joke about the negative pregnancy test but in reality we wouldn't know what we were missing out on"

"You really think we were supposed to be parents? Like together? Like you and me were destined to have a baby?"

"Yeah... I do.." He said looking at me

"So if you could go back to graduation night in the beach hut, would you?"

"In a heartbeat because this life with you and Soph is better than anything else that could have ever happened. Kie, without everything happening I probably would have ended up in jail like my dad"

"So you believe that everything happens for a reason?"

"Yes" He said as we both tried to fall asleep

I was almost asleep when JJ said, "And Kie, just for future reference, don't date a guy who doesn't know your favorite flavor of ice cream"

I laughed and said, "Noted"

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