chapter 32

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That night, New Year's Eve, I took Kie home and took care of her, and got her to bed. I came back out into the living room and Pope was there. He said he was going to head out but just wanted to see if he needed to do anything to help. I told him he was good to go and that I appreciated him watching Sophia.

He was almost out the door when I said, "Pope, I'm in love with her"

"Yeah, it's obvious bro. It has been for year"

"Really? I thought I was pretty good at hiding it"

Pope just laughed and said, "If you love her, tell her"

"It's not that simple. I've tried a few times to tell her and she just tells me no and that it will never work. She doesn't want to risk us breaking up and damaging our relationship for the sake of Soph"

"Valid thoughts but J, she clearly loves you too. Just think about it. Would you be happy seeing her and Jack get married and have kids? No, you wouldn't so don't waste any more time. Just tell her how you feel" Pope said leaving

I loved Kie. A few minutes later, Taylor walked in the door. She wasn't drunk but she also wasn't sober. She looked at me and said, "Come to be with me, you have to make it up to me for not being my New Year's kiss"

"Taylor, actutally if you want to stay here tonight, you'll have to stay on the couch"

"Really? Why? Is she seriously sleeping in your bed?"

"Yeah, she is and I'm sorry, Taylor but this isn't fair to you. I do care about you, a lot but there has always been and always will be a part that will put Kie first. I'm so sorry but this is over"

Taylor and I talked for a minute and she was pretty pissed. She gave me the engagement ring back and grabbed her stuff and she left. I felt super guilty for that whole situation but I was now a free man. I was free to tell Kie how I felt. I didn't want to do it right away and I was so scared to tell her.

Mike ended up asking me if I wanted to stay and watch the hockey game with him. I accepted his offer and I told him about Taylor and how I ended things. Over the years, he's become a father figure to me.

I couldn't hide the fact that I wasn't with Taylor anymore when Kie asked on her graduation night. So I told her and I could tell she wasn't expecting it. I wasn't going to do anything else. She knows I'm single so she can make her own decisions.

We were at her parent's house as they were doing a simple get together. Just some fancy appetizers and drinks to celebrate Kie's college graduation.

I didn't force anything, in fact I acted totally normal around Kie and everyone else. Damn, she looked so perfect in that dress. I watched her and Jack and he seemed to really like her. What guy wouldn't? She's perfect in every single way.

It's been a few hours and a few more people showed up and Kie walked over to me and asked, "Can we go for a walk?"

"Yeah" I said casually as I'd go anywhere with her

We walked down the road towards the beach and at first she didn't say much. We talked about her job plans and how crazy it is that she's done with school. We were at the beach standing next to the same beach hut where we first hooked up.

"So much has changed since that night we spent here together. That night we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. From the minute that I told you I was pregnant, you've been there for everything and more"

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