2. is it your family?

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THE FRONT DOOR IS opened with a loud bang that sounds through the big house. The girls now include Olive, Ember and Gray's adopted 11 year old sister and a completely passed out Kie. Sarah and Ember glance worriedly at each other. "Who is that?" Ember shouts. Their footsteps get more frantic and louder. "Shit." Sarah curses, a hand flying over her mouth.

"Is it grandpa?" Olive's question is laced with fear as she hides behind Kie's passed out body. The fact that the young girl is so scared of it being the possibility of being her grandfather pisses Ember off. She sets off stomping out of the living room, fists clenched, "Who the fuck is it before I call the cops?!" Ember rounds the corner only to see the four boys and Moxie. There's blood dripping down JJ's face and Gray's as well. Moxie looks like she might pass out beside Kie with how cross faded she is and JB and Pope look tired, tired of the two reckless boy's shit and just tired in general.

"Sorry, probably should have called," John B says with a grunt as he rushes past Ember, Sarah and Olive to place Moxie right next to Kie as predicted. Sarah gasps when she joins Ember's side, "What the hell did we miss?"

"What did you miss? Why didn't either of you tell us you left!" Pope shouts. Gray winces, "My headache is already starting."

"Where is your peroxide?" JJ asks, holding his bleeding lip. "You can't just barge in here!" Ember shouts, her anxiety only mildly calming down. "Why not? I live here too!" Gray retorts. Ember's eyes flash with a small bit of anger at her brother. "JJ, it's in the bathroom and–you can't barge in because Grace just called in a panic!" Sarah says. Anger subsides at the sound of his step mom calling in a panic. His shoulders drop and his eyes are big with concern. "Why?" Gray asks, the answer scaring him if he is thinking correctly.

Ember sighs, her hand moving through her hair, "My dad's family showed up to EMBERLEI," She looks back at her three friends and brother with big, sad eyes. There's a pain in her chest but she inhales and exhales loudly. "Shit, again?" Pope looks away.

Everyone knows the shit the Alastair's put Ember through, not even just Ember though, her whole family. They would harass the Elliot's as well. They would call a million times from different numbers, stand at the end of the driveway and demand to speak to Ember or Grace and if denied, they would make threats. One time a rock was thrown through Olive's window, just missing the girl's head. Another time they slashed Ace's tires, they're just evil. The list of things they have done to her family goes on and she thought it had been cut off until tonight.

"It's fine Ace and Grace will handle it. Did you know their names rhyme? Ember, they will be okay. Which bathroom is the peroxide in?" JJ rambles and points all throughout the house. Sarah scoffs, "JJ, Gods sakes, read the room."

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